•Chapter Five• Destiny

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It took me a while to trust Tristan and to get comfortable living with him. About two years to be exact. Those first two years I was worried that if I so much as looked at him wrong, he would tell me I had to leave. But even after yelling at him one day for oversleeping, he acted as if it was perfectly normal and didn't seem to mind.

"Get up Tris!" I shouted angrily into his ear. "I made pancakes. Get up or your gonna be late for school again!" He groaned and sat up.

Realizing what I had done, I froze in place and felt my eyes fill with tears. But Tristan did something that not only shocked me but also put my mind at ease and it helped me to finally see Tristan had meant it when he had told me nothing would ever make him change his mind about taking me in and he would always stay with me.

Tristan hoisted me off the floor and threw me down on the bed before he began to tickle me mercilessly. "Stop!" I squealed as I struggled to get away. "Tris stop, please." I giggled.

"Only if you promise we can have tacos for dinner, " Tristan bargained while still trickling away.

"Ok, ok!" I shouted in between giggles. "I'll make tacos if you stop!" In the next instant, Tristan lifted me off the bed and set me down on the floor before he jumped out of bed.

"Great!" He said with a smile and dashed into the bathroom.

Shaking my head, I went back to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I got tired of tv dinners a few months after I moved in and began to look up recipes online, then took on the responsibility of cooking. I also started doing all the house chores like cleaning, and laundry too. It helped that Tristan took care of the outdoor chores.

Things were great until I was fifteen and Tristan got himself a girlfriend. I had developed hero worship for my savior at the age of ten, which had grown and morphed into a full-blown crush over the next few years. So finding out that he had a girlfriend and only saw me as a sister, it broke my heart in pieces.

I did my best to hide my feelings from Tristan, as well as his girlfriend, Destiny. But I got the feeling she knew by the pitying looks she kept giving me and the things she said to me when Tristan wasn't around. When he was around, she was so extremely sweet to the point it felt like getting a cavity. But when he wasn't, she was blunt to the point her words cut through me cutting a tomato with a dull blade.

"Tristan sees you as nothing more than a little sister, you know?" Destiny told me one day. "You need to get over your crush before you end up getting hurt." She with a pitying look.

I just stared at her in shock, not knowing what to say. "Trust me, " She said next. "You can't hide how you feel from another girl. But don't worry, Tristan has no clue. Guys tend to be clueless unless a girl makes it painfully obvious." Having said that, she walked away with a flip of her hair. That night I cried myself to sleep for the first time in years.


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