Chapter Three

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Twenty minutes later Nicki, Kelly, Mama and Solo walk in the room.

"Yo Robs, this game is crazy, like why are these motherfuckas naked playing basketball, that's some gay ass shit." I said to Rihanna.

The nurse's just shake their heads while laughing, while adjusting Rihanna's and my pillows.

"I know right, plus they got little dick's...look, look." Rihanna said as she points at the Tv screen.

"They all bottoms Robs." I said as I turn my head to look at her.

"Yeah, true true." Rihanna said as she turns her head to look at me.

"What the fuck did we just walk into." Kelly asks through her light laughter as she walks over to Rihanna's bed, sitting in the chair that's next to her bed.

Nicki and Mama laugh as they find a seat and sit down.

"Their just still a little drugged up, we just gave them a shot for the pain." One of the nurse's tells them.

"Oh okay." Kelly said as she nods her head.

"Well, we be leaving now, just press the button, that's on the side of your bed if you need us." The other nurse said to Rihanna and I.

Rihanna and I just nod our heads.

"Beyoncé, use your words." Mama said to me.

"Yes Mama." I said to her as I turn my head, looking at her.

The nurse's just laugh as they make their way to the door.

One of the nurse's quickly turns around, facing us.

"The Surgeons, who did Beyoncé's and Robyn's operations, will be in here shortly, too answer some of your questions." The nurse tells Nicki, Kelly, Solo and Mama as she looks at them.

"Oh okay, thank you." Mama said to her.

"Your welcome." The nurse said with a smile as she turns around, walking out of the room with the other nurse.

It gets silent between all of us, til Solo breaks it.

"So Bey, how are you feeling." Solo asks me as she walks up next to my bed.

"I feel like I can fly SoSo." I said to her through my light chuckles.

"Well okay then." Solo said as she walks over to the couch and sits next to Mama.

A few minutes later the door opens and in walks these two peoples.

They walk more into the room, then stopping right in front of Rihanna's and my beds.

"Hey, I'm Surgeon Stewart, and I'm the one who operated on Beyoncé." The woman said introduces herself as she looks at Nicki, Mama, Solo and Kelly.

"And I'm Surgeon Morris, the one who operated on Robyn." The dark tall woman introduces herself.

Mama, Solo, Nicki and Kelly introduces themselves.

"Okay, you guys can go ahead and ask your question." Surgeon Stewart said as she looks at Mama, Solo, Nicki and Kelly, waiting them to ask the questions.

"Okay, I'll go first." I said out of nowhere.

"How long is my dick and will it grow even longer than it already is." I ask Surgeon Stewart.

Nicki, Solo, Kelly burst out laughing, even Mama and Surgeon Morris are laughing.

"You do not have to answer that question Surgeon Stewart." Mama said to her once she stops laughing.

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