He breathed heavy resting a shaky hand over his bleeding stomach. I saw the fear and confusion in his eyes. I straddle his body leaning close to his face. Blood dripped out of his mouth.

"Who. Are. You?" he spat blood at my face.



I sliced my blade along his neck and he died immediately. Flowing like a river, his blood covered my skin and the floor. I wiped my knife on his pants and soaked the blood off my body with his suit jacket. I put my dagger back onto my thigh and grabbed my clothes from the floor to save them from the red pool.

I slipped my dress back on and ran my fingers through my hair. Moments later men from Boss's mafia came to collect the body. They tossed me a damp cloth to further clean my red stained hands. Once I was sure of my neat appearance I returned to the ballroom.

I entered without anyone noticing and spotted Shade talking with some men. I looked down to flatten out the creases in my dress and strode over.

"There you are." I smiled while I pecked his cheek.

"Kat, this is Mr. Liu and Mr. Marrero."

"Pleasure to meet you two." I smiled and shook their hands. I wrapped my other hand around Shade's waist. He stiffened under my touch, bringing a smile to my face over his uncomfortable state.

"The pleasure is all ours." Mr. Marrero responded. "Spencer here was telling us all about you."

"All wonderful things I hope."

"He speaks very highly of you. I wanted you to meet our business partners but Igor and Dima seem to have stepped away." Mr. Liu looked around the ballroom.

These men seem kind, to bad their business partners are now just rotting corpses in Boss's collection. I looked around and spotted my next two soldiers. Conveniently they were talking to each other. I noticed that they both had guns on their waist. For a successful kill, I will need to get them far enough away so I can use my gun if necessary.

"Excuse me gentlemen, but I need to get a bit of fresh air."

"Of course Kat, would you like me to come with?" I could read his tone that this added to his cover of caring about me. I smiled and rubbed my hand along his back.

"Nonsense, I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Well I hope you are back in time for Nikolai's arrival and the first dance." Mr. Liu smiled while gesturing to the grand doors Shade and I entered through earlier.

"I'll only be gone a few short minutes. Save me a dance later will you?" I batted my eyelashes to Shade.

"You are the only one I wish to dance with tonight." Shade kissed my head and I went off to the far end of the room.

The men seemed more alert than Igor. I needed a smarter tatic, but they were still men afterall. As long as I provided them bait, they would bite. A few feet away I grabbed another glass of champagne off of June's tray. I shot her a wink and walked over to the men.

"Hello hotties." I slurred while tripping in my heels.

"Hello gorgeous." One man spoke lowly while coming to my side and grabbing my hand.

"Where is your date?" The other man asked.

"Off fucking another bitch. I deserve to get some attention too." I mopped. The men exchanged looks and both went on either side.

"Baby, we can give you plenty of attention." I knew these men were the predatory type. They think I am some drunk girl to provide them an easy lay. Men disgust me. "Let's take this somewhere else."

"I am not going-" I faked a hiccup. "-anywhere until I know your names." I giggled.

"I'm Maxim and that is Adrian." Perfect, I have locked in my next prey. "There is a room over there we could go." He said while pulling my hips into his. I could feel his erection stabbing into my ass. I wanted to cut it off, but that would have to wait.

I pulled away from their hands and put my glass down on a nearby table. "It is very hot in here." I tugged at my dress. "Could we go outside?"

"Whatever you want Sexy." Adrian spoke in my ear.

They are dead men walking.


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Blood baths and mingling in a ball. If only we call could live such a suspenseful daring lifestyle. Well that's what books are for anyway. 

Thanks for reading:)

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