Part 8

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"Eh, enjoying the hunt, milord?" Douxie asked.

"You again, boy?" My father scoffed. I looked wide-eyed at the mage. "No. I'll feel better after dealing with my sister!"

'What are you doing?!' I mouthed.
'Saving history!' Douxie answered silently.

"Why don't you concern yourself with making conversation with my daughter? I've got enough on my plate, and your jabbering isn't making it any easier!" The king growled, stomping away. Douxie motioned for me to follow.

"Uhh.. wouldn't you say life's too short to hold grudges?" He piped up again. My father growled, warning him to back off. The mage did the opposite, not even bothering to wipe the stupid smile off of his face. "I mean.. family's so important, isn't it?" He continued. "You're lucky you've got one. Closest thing I ever got was him." Douxie pointed to Archibald, who was coughing up a hairball. I rolled my eyes, following the King through a stone doorway. "Please, sire. Morgana was only looking out for those poor creatures. Is all this really worth hurting her?" I elbowed the boy in the stomach.

"Shut up or you're gonna get killed," I growled in his ear.

"I will speak of this no more," the King waved a hand in our faces. We continued on our path.

"There's no sign of them, sire," one of the knights observed, "trail's gone cold."

"Not much love left between them," Archibald noted from behind me.

"Father, why are we doing this?" I blurted. "Surely you have bigger problems than hunting down the trolls who ran away." The King turned to me suddenly.

"It is time for you to choose a side. I have let your mind wander for too long, it seems." There was a rustling from behind me.

"Say, my liege, didn't you used to spend time in this wood?" Douxie asked, lifting up some foliage over a tree trunk. I face palmed myself, knowing exactly what was coming.

"Yes.. as a boy," the King answered, walking towards the tree. "Much time has been lost in this accursed forest. I often fled to these woods to escape my growing responsibilities, which is why I do not blame (Y/n) for her actions." He touched the trunk, and that was when I saw the heart etched in the wood, with the words Arthur + Gwen. The letters began to glow, sending blue magic soaring around us.

"On your guard, men!" Sir Lancelot ordered.

"We've been bewitched!" A knight yelled.

"What's happening?" Another asked.

"It's coming for me!" One screamed.
Lancelot stood guard next to me.

"Be careful, princess. These woods are not to be trusted." I rolled my eyes, making my way over to Merlin. I tapped him and pointed to Douxie, who threw up a rock sign and stuck his tounge out. Merlin scoffed.

"Stand down, we're not in danger," he agitatedly remarked. I took a few steps back, feeling flustered and annoyed.

"Something wrong, princess?" Lancelot asked.

"Nothing you would understand," I waved him off.

"Try me," he smirked, gesturing for me to follow. I was at a loss of what the point of this was, but I went after him anyway. "I know many secrets, princess. I've been through many situations." I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing like what's troubling me, I know for a fact," I sighed. We didn't stray too far from the group, but it was enough to be out of earshot.

"It is true I am no royal, but--"

SEQUEL: (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now