Part 2

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"Oh.. fuzz buckets.." Douxie mumbled. His shapeshifting familiar rested on my shoulder.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked, staring at the enormous ship in front of us.

"The Arcane Order.." Merlin replied nervously. "They found us." I saw two beings come into view. One was a fiery bird-person with a second face, while the other was a pale, icy figure with a black cloak and staff. "Everyone! Get to safety! Now!" Merlin cried. "(Y/n), I need you to help me keep Nari safe!"

"Who?" I furrowed my brows, forgetting the female I had spoken to earlier. Merlin yelled an incantation, ignoring me.

"Ugh! My staff!" The wizard was struck by a shard of ice.

"I've got it!" Archibald flew after the relic.

Who is Nari? Why does that name sound so familiar?! Dammit, (Y/n), you are so bad at names!

It began to hail. Chunks of ice rained down upon us. One hit Merlin in the side, causing him to lose his balance. More ice fell. I looked up to see one above my head, causing me to just barely jump out of the way in time.

"Meteolojinx Recanto!" I shouted, summoning my own magic. The fiery bird-person began to shoot at me. I ducked down as the Order shot cannons in our direction. "Ugh! Why does everyone hate us?!"

"We must flee!" Merlin yelled.

"I'm on it!" Douxie ran to another part of the ship, babbling on self encouragements. Camelot began to turn, but the Order crashed into us. Another loud boom from the side of the ship made me run to Merlin's side.

"They're boarding us!" He exclaimed in panic. It had been centuries since I had seen him scared, which made my anxiety rise.  "We must break free! Steer us clear on my command!"

"I'm on it," Douxie called. I struggled to stand due to the inconsistent booms from their cannons. I readied my magic once more.

"No, (Y/n)! These foes' powers are beyond us!" Merlin grabbed my shoulders.

"Merlin!" The shy female from before exclaimed.

"Nari!" The wizard rushed to her, pulling me by my wrist.

Shit, how did I forget her name?! She literally just told me!

"This is all my fault.." the girl announced shamefully.

"No. I will take us to the past," Merlin knelt before her. "But you must help me."

"I'll do what I can," she nodded. I gasped.

"We're going to the past? Woah!" The ship leaned, making me lose my footing and fall.

"(Y/n), strengthen our defenses!" Merlin ordered. I nodded, stepping back, and taking a deep breath.

"Cave Inimicum.." my voice boomed and echoed. My red aura flowed from my hands, enchanting the ship. "Piertotem Locomotor.." Armored statues came to life, guarding the castle. I panted, looking around.

"Archie, I'm running out of time, here!" Merlin shouted, now slicing at an abundance of ice.

"Surrender, Merlin.." a voice echoed. I looked at the pale, cloaked wizard boarding our ship.

"Never," Merlin growled as I stepped next to him. The pale wizard chuckled.

"You wanna dance, Palpatine?!" I snarled. The wizard raised a nonexistent eyebrow. "Let's dance." I raised my fist.

"Foolish child." The wizard tripped me with his staff and grabbed ahold of my neck. His touch was so cold, it burned.

"Agh!" I struggled.

SEQUEL: (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now