Part 6

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Sorry, guys. Short chapter today😓

"Your sister and daughter, as requested, m'lord." Sir Lancelot bowed before my father.

"Why have I been summoned?" Morgana questioned. I looked at Claire, who wore a worried expression on her face.

"The beasts in the dungeon have escaped, aided by shadow magic," the King announced. "Curious coincidence, hm?"

"I was in my quarters all night, being a good little indentured sorceress," Morgana responded.

"And you, daughter?" The King turned to me.

"I was with you," I cocked an eyebrow.

"Ah, that is where you're wrong, (Y/n). You followed after me once the spell had already been casted."

"Because I was in the stables getting my horse!" I protested.

"Do not raise your voice to me!" My father snarled.

"Apologies.." I looked down in shame.

"Oh, now, come on.." he gently lifted my chin. "Where's that spirit of yours gone?" A smile slowly crept onto my face. "You remind me of your dear mother. Do not ever let anyone take that part away from you." A tear ran down the man's cheek, and he quickly turned around, regaining his seriousness. "Ah. The creatures were seen fleeing into the wild woods. You will help take them down."

"What? Why?!" Morgana cried.

"Consider it a test of loyalty. Bring me their heads, or yours will be on the chopping block next." The King looked over at me. "You will do well not to return with a clean sword."

"I get to wield a sword?" I asked excitedly. It had been years since I last wielded a sword. "How about Excalibur?" I asked playfully.

"What? Of course not." The King didn't find my joke funny.

"Oh, lighten up, Father, I was only kidding."

"I am a King. I do not simply.. lighten up." My father sat on his throne. "Now, go. Review your blade work if need be. I have duties I must fulfill."

.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .

I found Claire telling Douxie about the incident in the court.

"They're hunting Jim! If they catch him, he'll be killed!" Claire looked into his eyes eagerly.

"I know, and he's not the only one. Because of us, Arthur's now fated to eat the big one, too!" Douxie told her.

"Eat the what?" Steve came over and stood next to me. "Oh no. Was I supposed to bring food?"

"Pfft! No," I laughed before turning serious. "He'll be eating a death sandwich, Steve," I explained.

"Ew, gross. Who would eat that?" Steve visibly shuddered, earning a facepalm from me. Douxie rolled his eyes, pulling out the time map.

"Look," he began sternly. "If Arthur dies, we lose the battle of Killahead and the war."

"Which will probably mess up time so much, you'll never be able to return home," Archie piped up.

"We can't let that happen," I stated, turning away. "I really can't listen to this right now. I'll be with Merlin or something if you need me." With that, I left the area to find Merlin. Instead, I found Hisirdoux sitting on a barrel playing the lute. "What are you doing?" I cocked my head.

"N-nothing, your highness," his voice cracked, "just writing a song for--" he cut himself off, looking away. His face was red.

"For who?" I smirked, looking into his eyes.

"For.. um.. well, you.." He managed to answer. I took a step back, surprised.

"R-really?" I asked, realizing what was happening. "That can't be. You can't possibly.."

"Well, not exactly for you, you, but--"

"I get it.." I looked around. "It's just unexpected, is all." I then turned and walked in the other direction, pondering what in the hell was happening. I most certainly didn't remember a song from Hisirdoux. I wondered if he still liked me. I wondered if that was why he seemed uncomfortable when he saw me with Jim. I couldn't think of that, however. I needed to stay on track.

SEQUEL: (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now