Part 4

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"Alright... that looks.. like me?" I twirled in the mirror.
Ooh, yas queen, get it! Just kidding. What is wrong with me?
I chuckled to myself, leaving to find Douxie and the others.

.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .

"I know this looks bad, but I swear I've got this all under control," I heard Douxie's voice from around the corner.

"If that were true, then things in the future really have changed," Archibald noted. I stepped around the corner.

"Hisirdoux!" I scolded.

"Y-your highness?" His voice cracked.

"Shut up." I eyed the closet next to him.

"Oh. It's you," Douxie slumped.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I rolled my eyes. "Never mind. Did you get one of those weird, stupid vest things yet?"

"Ah.. not yet.." the boy looked at the closet.

"He's in there, isn't he?" I chuckled.

"How did you know that?" Douxie gestured to the closet.

"You're a terrible liar. Now, get that vest and let's get where we're going." I looked down at Archibald. "Does he know?"

"I don't keep anything from Archie," Douxie replied. "He's my best friend."

"Well, your best friend better not tattle to Merlin," I grumbled, turning to go to the wizard's tower. "I'm assuming we're looking for the time map?"

"Exactly." The closet suddenly opened, Douxie's sleeping clone falling on top of him.

"Oh, this should be fun to watch," Archibald mocked.

"Just keep an eye on him, Arch, would you?" I was about to leave when Merlin burst through a pair of doors.

"Hisirdoux, what is taking so long?!" He yelled impatiently.

"Just cleaning up another mess!" The mage called.

"Apologies, Master, that was my fault," I smiled at the wizard.

"(Y/n), I understand you haven't any duties today, but that doesn't mean you can waste my time for your entertainment!" Merlin exited through the doors. I looked over to Douxie, who shrugged, pulling his hair into a bun.

"Well, I swore I'd never do this again," he said quietly, walking next to me into Merlin's tower. "Let's get that map and get out."

"Actually, I have a strong feeling I shouldn't overstep my boundaries in there.. Hurry up." I left the other way, pondering what I should be doing instead.

What day is it? He said I had no duties.. I remember that troll in the forest.. Some of Father's arguments were familiar.. Oh! I remember! I could visit Jim, or go see Morgana, or go to the forest..

"Hmm.." I thought aloud. "Gunmar gave Bular a punishment last time.. I wonder how far in the day this is.. Nah. I need to do something else." I began walking to the edge of a balcony, looking down to see Steve fighting sir Lancelot. I chuckled at the sight. Steve was having an awful time trying to fight back. I wanted to go down there and spar, but I didn't want to screw up history even more. Suddenly, the doors burst open as Morgana came out.

"(Y/n)," she growled.

"Yes, Auntie?" I asked, trying not to get angry. The woman took a deep breath.

"Who is the troll you are acquainted with?" She inquired, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What? I-I'm not--"

SEQUEL: (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin