Chapter 5 - You Like Me?

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"Hey idiot," Katara mimicked, pushing him away.

"What?" Jet looked taken aback, but quickly regained his composure and glared back at her.

"I thought we were sharing facts," she shrugged. Aang playfully nudged her and walked past Jet to their first class, laughing.

Jet angrily followed them and when they stopped, he shoved Aang, and Aang's backpack fell on the floor with a thump. l off his shoulder and onto the floor with a crash.

"Dude, what was that for?! My laptop was in there!" Aang glared at Jet. Aang quickly slung his backpack over his shoulder again, and look straight down at Jet. Even though Aang seemed only an inch or two taller, it seemed like he was towering over Jet.

"I don't get what she sees in you. Leave my girlfriend alone," Jet said, gritting his teeth. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his mouth was in a menacing scowl.

"Stop Jet! I'm not your girlfriend. Heck, I'm not even your friend! It's not what I see in Aang, it's how he treats me! He doesn't act like the self-absorbed, cheating, butthole YOU ARE! So leave ME alone, leave AANG alone, and don't talk to me! Ever again!" Katara raged at Jet, Aang's eyes went wide at how mad the 15 year-old could be. Jet started to back away and to his group of awe-struck friends.

"Let's go, Aang," Katara said, dragging Aang into the classroom. Thank god they weren't with Jet, or the classroom would've looked like a wrestling ring.

"I'm so sorry I dragged you into this mess," Katara told him apologetically, her mouth turning into a frown, and regret etched into her features, "I can't seem to be able to get away from him."

"Hey, don't worry about it, he's not worth your time," Aang told her, squeezing her shoulder in comfort. "Let's get as far away from him as possible."

The rest of the day went by quickly, and the lectures were extremely boring. Half the students had their heads on the desks, snoring lightly. Free period was next, the only time where you couldn't hear snoring.

"I need to get out of here," Aang thought.

"Miss, may I use the restroom?" Aang asked, winking at Katara, grabbing his phone secretly, and leaving. Without waiting for an answer, he sprinted to the bathroom and took it out.

A minute later, there was a voice outside of the bathroom.

"Aang?" The voice said, echoing off the cream tiles.

"Who's there?!" Aang shouted back.

"It's Katara, what are you doing in there? We have to get to class, the bell already rang."

"Wait, don't leave yet. I'm coming in."

"Katara, are you serious?! This is the boys bathroom. There are going to be people in here!"

"I need to talk to you. Now."

"Why?" Aang thought, still staring at the tiled wall in front of him.

Katara walked in and saw Aang huddled in the corner on his phone. He locked it and put it away.

"Talk to me about wh-," Aang started, but was cut off by Katara's lips crashing into his. He kissed her back. It was only a few seconds but it felt like hours.

After pulling away, Katara said, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just came to say thanks. You know, with Jet. And I got so carried away."

"You could've at least TOLD me you liked me. Then you wouldn't have anything to be sorry for," Aang smirked at her, being the awkward person he was to hide his embarrassment.

"I- What?" Katara stuttered.

"I'm just gonna go," Katara turned, but Aang pulled her back.

"Please don't," Aang whispered before kissing her one more time.

"I like you too," Aang smiled.

"Now go, before someone sees," Aang pushed her out of the bathroom, him following.

They ran back to the classroom and grabbed their backpacks.

"So, what's your favorite song?" Aang asked, grabbing Katara's hand.

"Hmmm, probably drivers license!" Katara replied.

"That's a good song."

"What's yours?" Katara asked.

"Umm.......probably Arcade," Aang replied.

"I've never heard that song," Katara said, and Aang looked shocked.

"Well, I will play it sometime then," Aang squeezed her hand.

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