Loss of memory

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I had woke up in the hospital and I wasn't sure why I was here at all. Honestly I couldn't remember anything and I don't just mean the reason I was actually in the hospital I mean anything. I only knew my name when I heard someone say it when they thought I was still ' out of it'.

I also heard someone say I hadn't woken up in months. Yes you heard that right. Months! And yet I didn't remember why or how I got here. I don't think I really wanted to know due to how bad my injuries were. I think I'll stick to the not knowing.

But then things started to go down hill for me when a boy who looked my age came into my hospital ward and hugged me tight. I sat there all confused as I didn't know who this guy was at all, I didn't recognise him from anywhere. This boy has dark messy hair, his eyes just as dark as his hair and I must say they were very nice but that doesn't mean I know them from anywhere.

When he saw I was confused he questioned my expression. That's when I say something that must've hurt him bad as he ran out straight after I said what I said. " who are you?" I mean I didn't see why he was so offended, it was only a question jeez why was he so emotional about 3 simple words.

By the time I had fully woken up I was sat with the nurse, she explained I had lost my memory and that's when I realised why the guy was so upset. I must've meant something to him I guess. I kinda felt bad for him but yet again, it wasn't my fault I had lost all my memories.

However, the nurse said that it was a possibility I could get them all bad it just might take some time. I was curious about what happened to me and who that guy was but I was okay not knowing too, it didn't bother me but I know for a fact it bothered him.

He came back after a few hours and sat on my hospital bed, I was kinda uncomfortable with a complete stranger sat on the bed I was in but because I could see he was hurting I didn't ask him to move. He told me his name was Jordan Wilson. But that was all he told me, not how he knows me, why he was so said when I asked who he was and why he was here in the first place. But I wasn't a rude person so I didn't ask questions, if he didn't want to tell me that was okay I'm sure I'll figure it out for myself. But right now I'm more focused on healing with a massive hole in my head than finding out about a guy. But still, how did I get that hole?...

A/N: she didn't die guys dont worry but sadly she forgot who Jordan was ahhhh

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