Gone <3

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I haven't been in school a while, ever since I kissed Jordan I couldn't face him. I wish I controlled myself but what can I do now other than avoid him as much as possible. He kissed me back and then left like it meant nothing, like I meant nothing. I couldn't help but fall for the rude boy I bumped into on the first day. There was something about him, something hidden inside that guy that he won't let out, we all have a side to us we don't want to get out but eventually it will.

That was something I was scared of, letting people see me for who I really was. I wasn't just a girl who was scared of everything and kept her head down all the time, being bullied all these years let's anger build up inside you and it doesn't stop building, once it can't be built up anymore you explode to let all the anger you have kept in back out. No one can keep everything inside them forever.

I got up and decided I wanted to go to school, dress up and put an effort into myself while walking into school like a badass, showing I don't care about anyone or anything. I put on my school uniform and some makeup, I don't normally wear it but if I wanted to look confident might as well go all out right. I curled my long dark hair into loose curls and walked out the door. Once I got to the school gates, eyes turned just like they did on the first day only this time I didn't care, I didn't look down at my feet all embarrassed I kept my head high. That was until I saw something I didn't think I'd ever have to see in my life

My best friend Chloe was kissing Jordan Wilson In the toilets, she didn't know that me and him kissed but seeing her and him broke my heart more than I thought was possible. Jordan saw me and stopped and pushed her off but before he could say anything I ran out of the toilet and went home. My newly put on makeup dripping down my face. I let a stupid boy ruin my life. Why should I be mad, Chloe likes him I shouldn't steal him away from her. But I couldn't help my feelings for him, no matter how hard I tried my heart bested for Jordan.

My phone buzzed continuously though out the rest of the day Jordan: please talk to me
20 missed calls from Jordan
Chloe: I hope I made you jealous, that's what you get for falling for MY boy

Now I realised, Chloe knew I liked Jordan she did it because she knows she can. I had been told Chloe was known to hurt everyone she was near but I didn't think she would go this low. I've lost Jordan and now Chloe. What else was there to loose? Everything was just gone.

Sorry this was bad, I'm hoping they will get better soon. Hope you enjoy it tho.

You should check out my other book I'm working on " how could I ever forget you|| the maze runner" would mean a lot 🖤

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