Please don't leave <3

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I hadn't left my house in days, I broke my phone while I was angry I didn't mean to but all of those phone calls and text messages off Jordan was starting to get on my nerves. How dare he kiss me then kiss the only friend I made in this town the day after and expect me to talk to him again? I'd had my heart broken before but this, this was different. My heart wasn't just broke, it was almost like it had been ripped out of my chest only leaving pain behind.

It had been around 2 weeks since I had been at school or even left my house, it wasn't like I was missing out on anything other than the famous Jordan Wilson who breaks girls hearts left right and centre and Chloe the girl who seems so nice but would do anything to see you suffer. I hadn't been in ackley bridge for very long and already so much had happened. Maybe I was the problem. If I never came here none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have met Jordan, or Chloe, I wouldn't have to miss school so much, I wouldn't have a broken heart. I decided it was time for me to leave, go somewhere else, anywhere but ackley bridge.

I packed all my things and looked down at a photo I had of me and Chloe, it hurt to look at so I smashed it and burned the picture that was inside the glass. If I was going to leave I needed to remove her and Jordan out of my life completely. What happened in ackley bridge stays in ackley bridge. I didn't know how to say goodbye to my grandmother, she had been so kind to me allowing me to stay with her while I sorted my life out which possibly would never happen, and now I am just going to get up and leave not explaining why. I mean I couldn't explain if I did I wouldn't be able to get them out of my head and I needed to.

She was asleep which made it easy for me to sneak out. I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye so I wrote a note 'grandmother you have been so kind to me allowing me to stay with you even if it was such short notice and I'm sorry that I have to say this but I'm leaving, it is not because I don't love being here with you, I really do love it here but it isn't the right place for me. I have caused trouble in this town which isn't fair on the people who were here before me, so to stop being in the way I am deciding to leave. I'm not sure if I will ever come back but I wish you well, take care of yourself for me. Love always jasmine x'

I left the note on the kitchen counter putting my keys to the house on top of it and a picture of me and my grandmother that I had, I needed her to be strong for me. I eyed the note for a while and then walked out the door, not looking back not even once even if I wanted to. I wasn't planning on going back, at least not for a while. But I was stopped by none other than Jordan. He looked like hell with this sympathetic look in his eyes I tired to walk past him I couldn't look at him for too long it would break me even more than I was already. But when he spoke his voice was so deep and broken it killed me inside.

" please jasmine, please don't leave". After hearing his warm voice I knew I just couldn't leave, I needed him, I hate to admit it but I really do think I'm in love with this stupid, stupid boy.

I went home and ripped up the note I wrote to my grandmother luckily she hadn't seen it yet. I went back outside and told Jordan I wasn't leaving. But before he could say anything I shut the door in his face. As much as I thought I loved him, he hurt me and I can hold a grudge trust me. Or could I?

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