New school <3

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6:30am and I was wide awake dancing around my room so exited to meet everyone at ackley. They had been there for about a term so I will be the new girl which I was worried about but I'm sure I'll get on just fine.

I got dressed in my school uniform, I had never had to wear a uniform before so it was actually weird and uncomfortable but I'll get used to it. I went down the stairs, had breakfast, brushed my teeth and headed off to school. I put my headphones in blasting my music so loud that I wouldn't even be able to hear a fight going on. I wasn't paying any attention to anything and knocked into this boy. His eyes were dark and shiny, his hair messy and brown, a cute eyebrow piercing but a mad expression on his face, almost like he was about to punch me. I took my headphones out and apologised for bumping into him.
" you better be, you made me drop my phone" he said just staring into my soul, his voice was so deep it sent shivers down my spine.
" I said I was sorry didn't I, no need to be so rude" I answered back, I'm not going to let him talk to me like that.
"Whatever". At that was it, the boy walked off and I was stood there wondering if everyone here is going to be as rude as he is.

But to my surprise, a girl came to greet me. She said her name was Chloe and was one of the teachers daughters. She seemed so sweet. Nothing like the guy I just met but I didn't mention it to her, who knows if she can be trusted with anything I'd only just met her. She did offer to walk to me school though as she said she knew what it was like being the new girl, I was thankful that I had someone at least so I walked with her.

We got to the school gates and you can never guess who I saw staring at me with the same expression as before, the guy I bumped into. This is going to go great.

A/N: well I've already wrote this so here you go, I'm not sure when I'm going to write the next one but I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, what do you think will happen to jasmine and " the rude guy" ? 🖤

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