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Me and Jordan didnt stop running until we were completely out of ackley. I don't think we could, the adrenaline was so high that we weren't even thinking about where we were going. Just hand in hand running for our lives, literally.

We got as far as we could which was far enough and just stopped, we were both breathing heavily for a long time, I mean we had been on the run for around 2 hours without stopping. But we did it, we left ackley and we left together. I loved this boy so much I didn't care where we were going, as long as he stayed by my side I knew I was safe.

We got a hotel for 4 nights in, it wasn't the best but it'll do and it was much better than being in ackley with him there. I did miss my grandmother though. She was probably worried sick about me, I never told her where I was going or why I was leaving but if she found out he was in town, it might have given her a heart attack.

Me and Jordan were sat in the hotel talking about life and what we wanted to do with it. " be with you" I said without thinking, me and Jordan weren't official or anything and I didn't know what came over my head when I said that but he blushed and replied with " I want to be with you too jasmine, I really do" he was just a few inches from my face now and I could feel his cold breath on me nose. I couldn't help myself and I leaned in and kissed him, passionately and he did the same.

After a few minutes we stopped and I lay my head on his chest with his arm around my waist just looking deeply into his eyes, the eyes I get lost in every time I looked at them even for the slightest moment.

Just staring into his beautiful eyes made me tired. I was dozing off however trying not to, I didn't want to fall asleep without knowing Jordan will be okay sleeping too. " hey, go to sleep jas I know your tired" " no, I want to make sure you sleep okay first" " jas, I will be perfectly fine sleeping with you here I promise" and that's when I did start to drift off with his eyes still staring at me.

"Goodnight, I love you" those 3 words made my heart skip a beat, did he really just say he loved me?!

A/N: ahhhh cuteeee

Hope your all doing okay 🖤

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