Chapter 64

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After that vacation, I went back to Manila to start working but after a year I went back to that resort and met her again.

"Ay sorry Sir!!" she said when she accidentally hit me with the cleaning cart, but actually it wasn't an accident I just really wanna encounter her.

"It's fine," I said and couldn't help but smile, he nodded her head and said sorry again, and left. My heart beats so fast, so that's her voice. Beautiful as expected...

"Tita so your husband is gonna be the one holding this resort from now on?" I ask my Mom's friend, "Yes iho, since I'm going to England for good, don't worry Alliana's position here in the resort, is clear after a month she's gonna start as the research analyst of the resort ok don't worry my husband will take care all of your request" I smile and nodded.

"Thank you Tita," I said, after a month I became the CEO of Delavine's scents. I grab that chance to make and grab her from that resort and let her work in our company.

"Cadmus Geib Delavine, chief executive officer," the first thing she said when she entered my office, is my name... my happiness was unexplainable at that moment.

"You're right, that's me," I said and smiled, my heart beating so fast like I was in an interview. I feel so nervous right now...

"Alliana Candice Callereese Cortez how are you connected to one of my new employees Aberry Callereese?" I said when she sat in front of me... the whole time I'm explaining her job makes me act like a shy guy for their crush.

She's staring and observing me the whole time, and I can't help but fall even more for those eyes.

I was so happy that I made her stay near my sight but I end up knowing that she's in love with somebody already. There is this guy who is an aspiring artist that hid her as his girl while he already has an on-screen girlfriend.

I have a fight with that guys, and for the first time in my life, I let someone fucking hit my face because I don't want to frighten Alliana but I just watch her care so much for that damn lucky guy.

I took the advantage of knowing their secret against Alliana, to make her date with me. At first, I know I look so stupid on blackmailing her just for her to date me, I was like a desperate man who's begging to be loved by the girl I loved.

It kills me knowing that she's just dating me for her debts but why do I care? I'm happy that I get to stay with her, kiss her, hold her and own her.

It's like owning my own lost heart again, I made her job easy and doubled the real salary of a Market research analyst just to make her happy and help her family.

After a few months that guy hurt her so badly, I wanna kill him that time but I don't wanna leave Alliana, I want her to feel that I'm always there for her.

"Be with me Alliana," those words mean a lot to me, those words kill my ego begging for love. Those words were the new start of my life being with her.

She chose me over that guy and I'm so happy that time, my happiness was unexplainable. I let everyone know that she's my girl, she met my family, my friends, employees, and I met her dad.

"Happy birthday po," I greet her father as we enter their humble home, he smiles at me and holds his crutch and tries to stand up, I help him and smile and bow my head to him. "Geib tama ba?" At first, I was shocked when Alliana called me by my second name but I feel good about it.

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