This isn't like the simulations!

Start from the beginning

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, it's just that I haven't had a proper family in a long while, and watching everyone together..." I trailed off.

Annabeth's eyes softened considerably as Artemis mock scowled, 'I resent that, Percy'

'I'm just joking, Arty. You know the hunters are my family too. I'm so thankful for everything you've all done for me after Gaea. You all saved me and gave me a home. Especially you, Arty. Even when the hunters, save for Thalia, ostracised me, you were always there for me', I said softly.

I could feel Artemis's cheeks burning with embarrassment from all the compliments. I smiled to myself as Annabeth took my arm and led me to the big house.

I blinked as a sudden thought washed over. Was it just me...or was Annabeth being nice to me? Oh gods, she was!

Until now, she hadn't commented on my drooling habits, or about me talking in my sleep. Come to think of it, she hadn't even pushed me to reveal anything about the winter solstice, or she wasn't even annoyed at my seemingly weird questions and she was patiently explaining everything!

Granted, she was treating me like I was a lost puppy (which, frankly, was annoying), but this wasn't supposed to happen! I pondered if Chiron had to do something with it, maybe he told her how I deduced everything and my elaborate plan. If there was something that the children of Athena admired, it was intellect, so I guess it made sense if she treated me like an actual newbie.

"So, Annabeth" I started. "Is this camp thingy the only safe place for demi-gods?"

Annabeth froze. "How did you know about demi-gods? Did Chiron tell you?"

Huh, I guess Chiron didn't tell her anything yet.

I shook my head, forming a lie. "No, I figured it out." I paused. "It honestly wasn't that difficult. All I had to do was eavesdrop on a conversation about Kindly Ones and everything made sense from there. I made a couple of taunts towards Alecto and Chiron and, based on their reactions I figured everything out." I shrugged.

'Liiees!', Artemis announced in a sing-song voice. I just chose to ignore her which made her huff, much to my amusement.

Annabeth blinked at me. "Are you sure your mother was mortal?" I winced at the use of past tense but nodded nevertheless. "Yeah, I'm certain. Though, I'm flattered you would consider me a son of Athena." I said wryly making her choke on her spit.

"What?", I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This was one thing I hated about the children of Athena. They and their godsdamned pride.

"C'mon, you'd think that being smart is a trait of a child of Athena, right?. While that might be true, but children of other gods can be just as observant if not more. In my case, I just see...things. I can connect the dots faster than average people, I guess. It may be a gift from Fates but that doesn't have to mean I'm your sibling."

That was literally the biggest lie I've ever uttered. Everyone, including myself, knows I'm dense as fuck.

Artemis snickered. 'I know right.'


I turned towards Annabeth who was staring at me suspiciously. "How did you know I was a daughter of Athena?" she challenged.

My eyes widened. Shit shit shit, did I say she was a daughter of Athena? Oh gods I did.

Artemis giggled at my twisted tongue.

"I-uh looked at your facial expressions." I started nervously. "When I said children of other deities can be smart too, you had this defiant expression on your face, like I was badmouthing Athena. Which I most definitely did not do-" I hastily added before the scary blonde could chew me out. "Also your eyes...well I read Athena's eyes were grey, so I kinda made a connection...?" I half asked-half said.

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