But strangely enough, Sehun was surprisingly so good to me. He would buy me all sorts of snacks from the corner store. He would teach me English and Math ( I guessed it right, his grades were indeed very poor, besides English and Math of which he is unexpectedly ranked first in the entire school, his scores on the other subjects were of single digit.) He would give me his jacket when it suddenly gets cold……There was once I was left behind after dismissal to update the bulletin board, he even cooked instant noodles for me and carried it over to the classroom ( he’s the only student in school who stays at the teacher’s quarters), and that bowl of noodles even comes with an egg. The steam from the noodles made my eyes sting, I was slurping noodles while asking Sehun who was helping me color on the bulletin board, “Why are you so nice to me?”

I was drawing a girl on the bulletin board, the girl was virtuously holding a book with both hands, at that time, Sehun was coloring the cover of the book yellow, he said that it was called ‘a girl looking at a yellow book’. ( T/N : Yellow book means nude magazines in China )

Sehun didn’t turn his head when he replied, “There are plenty of reasons why.”

I gave it a thought, this guy shouldn’t have taken a liking to me, right? But I believe that it might also be possible, after all, he isn’t blind…….Actually, my self-confidence had long been scared away by Jungkook, leaving it to scatter into bits and pieces, that I reckoned a senior monk who has already achieved immortality could never beckon it to come back.

Hence, I just simply ate the noodles while he continued coloring, with chalk dust flying about. Occasionally, I would also ask him a question or two, “Where did you study before? Why did you transfer to our school?”

He was already coloring the girl’s skirt pink, “X province, my dad wants me to study Senior Year 2 abroad. He had already contacted the school and planned everything, so I said I wanted to go back to grandfather’s hometown to have one last look.”

“Ah? Then aren’t you leaving soon?” I suddenly felt quite disappointed that he was going to leave. Who’s going to fill up my stomach which has just been going through puberty in the future?

He threw away the chalk, and turned around to sit on the desk facing me, “Why? You can’t bear to part with me?”

I reached out my hand and patted his legs that were shaking in front of me, “Stop shaking your legs, it’s making me dizzy, it’s just that I’ll go through starvation when you’re gone.”

He didn’t say anything, just looked pensively out the window, I also foolishly followed suit, and saw Jungkook standing by the window. Shrouded by the faint light of the coming evening, he was using his extraordinary temperament to aptly convey the ghost part in ‘A Chinese Ghost Story’.

I don’t know why, but watching him, because he was situated in a poorly lit area, as well as his sorry lump of a figure, I suddenly had a feeling of being caught, like a maiden guilty of being defiled on the bed. As I was holding the bowl of steaming noodles with both of my hands, I was itching to knock my head unto it.

Jungkook raised his knuckles and knocked on the glass window, “Lisa, I bumped into Uncle Manoban at the alley just now, he asked me to call you home for dinner.”

After he was done saying it, he left without another word.

I placed the bowl on the desk and hurriedly ran out. Sehun was calling me from behind, a few words and ‘Lisa’. When I made it to the door, I heard him say, “You haven’t finished eating yet.”

I replied in one breath, “You can throw it, I’ll eat at home.”

I ran out, but I couldn’t find Jungkook, obviously because his legs were surely longer than mine.

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