Shade gripped my hips and I leaned backwards. I raised one of my legs to wrap around his waist to keep myself up right. The dip was successful and we continued to dance as much as Mrs. Isabella asked.

Ultan later joined to watch was dance to a full song. "Impressive, Leon. You have chosen well."

"I am still shocked one of them hasn't tried to grab a knife off the floor and cut the others throat out yet." Monte smiled.

Shade nodded and titled his head towards my ear. "Yet." He echoed. I glared at him through the corner of my eye.

"I know you two better than that." Boss spoke before standing. "Hand them over."

Both Shade and I gave out concealed knives to Boss before he nodded to Mrs. Isabella. She walked over to us and gave us a disappointed look followed by a slap to both of our faces. Her hits were nothing compare to that of Shade's or Boss's, my head didn't even move.

"You are dismissed for today. Your covers are waiting for you in your dorms." Mrs. Isabella shooed us off.

In the hallway Shade shoved me into the hall and wiped his hands on his shirt. "You respule me."

"It wasn't much better for me having your hands touch my hips." I sneered.

"Never put your leg around my waist again or else I cut it off." I growled lowly.

"I'll rip out your fingernails one by one if you ever think about standing that close to me again."

With that we both let out a harsh breathe and went our separate ways towards the female and male dorms.

June laid on her bed with a loose black shirt and sweatpants. Her normally bright blonde hair was slightly darker, due from the shower she had taken. June snapped her eyes to mine and a huge annoying ass smile spread.

"Hey Maze!" She yelled. "How was dancing with your charming CEO?"

"Hell on earth. I should know I have been hung by my hands and had knives cut all over my body, but dancing with him was worse."

"You lost a lot of blood that day. How is simply doing a waltz with Shade that bad?"

"I have always hated that man child and I won't start liking him now. I will learn to suppress the thought of slicing his neck open, per Boss's request."

"What was the worst part?"

"When Mrs. Isabella asked me to dip."


"Basically, Shade tips be backwards. Mrs. Isabella told me that I should lift my leg around Shade when he does that to make us look close. " I shuttered on the last word.

"So what did Shade had to say about this arrangement?"

"That he would kill me." I said with a bored tone. Shade has always promised that he would be the one to kill me and if I being honest, I don't think he has the balls to do it because I am still here.

"Let me guess you didn't hold your tongue."

"Of course not. I have dignity." I laughed.

"What was your empty threat this time?"

"It is never an empty threat."

"Until I see Shade's blood on your body and his head in your hands, I won't believe you. So what did you say?"

"That I would rip out his fingernails one by one."

"Wow Maze. I remember when you did that to me after I got in trouble with Boss. They still haven't fully grown back."

"You can bet your ass that one day Shade will suffer a similar fate."

"Whatever." June sighed while she stood from the bed. "I want you to dance and dip me like Shade did you."

"I'll break your fingers if you ask me to do something like Shade again."

"Shut up and come dance with me."

I rolled my eyes and moved out hands like Mrs. Isabella did earlier. We started to move and when I looked into June's eyes, we bursted out laughing. I never thought June and I would ever dance, yet here we are.


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Ballroom dancing always fun, add some heated fury and it gets more entertaining. The excitement is coming, trust me.

Thanks for reading:) 

Born in BloodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang