The happy people's laughs and the exciting music reached their ears and in combination with the lively atmosphere around with the little candy and snack shops in the distance or the townsfolks who danced in a circle, made both Elga and even Law feel impatient for this evening to begin.

They crossed the main gate that was decorated with all the different kinds of winter flowers that existed on this island and their scent, hit pleasantly their noses as a warm welcome.

Soon they had to follow the flow of the crowd in order to reach their destination or better activate the plan B Law had set on mind, and the boy took a hold of the brunette's hand so as not to get lost among the people.

At first he thought it would be fun to show her around as he had been in a similar festival of this island before but immediately when he felt his personal space encroached he deeply regretted it.

He left a sigh annoyed by the situation and fastened his steps taking the girl along him so as to get out of this crowded mess while giving frequent glances to be sure of her wellbeing.

Elga on the other side didn't seem to be bothered by the congested path and observed the decorations around her, amazed.

After some time Law guided her towards an alley and kept walking without talking.

"What? You plan to seduce me?" the girl asked to break the silence and smirked at the boy who turned his head to face her.

"Maybe..." he answered with a bigger smile on his lips and Elga's face turned immediately red.

"You really are shy, huh?"

"S-shut up, B-baka!" she responded pouting a bit.

"We are here." He announced and his gaze fell on the girl's face waiting for her reaction.

The location of this spot was a bit further from the town's center and towards its borders at the north part of the island, near a very unique forest full of cherry trees.

Even though it was a bit off from the festival's position, it was as well beautifully decorated too with a variety of colorful lanterns hanging above their heads.

"How didn't I know about this spot until now?!" she exclaimed shocked.

"There are many places you haven't visit yet I believe." Law responded satisfied by her words. "We can go buy some food and sit here to enjoy our time in peace." he suggested and Elga nodded positively, agreeing with his idea.

She could feel even the sense of butterflies developing on her stomach from now only by thinking the moments were about to come with the person she so tried to impress with her looks tonight.

They started heading back again at the crowded area only to grab a snack and be supplied for the long night.

Suddenly, the voices of two familiar people reached their ears and both Law and Elga turned their heads to the direction of the source.

"Oi! Law! Elga! Wassup!" Penguin shouted and the waving his hand.

"Elga-chaaaaaan~~~ You look sooo beautiful! Cynthia-san made a pretty good work on your hair!"

"Thank you Shachi!" she replied blushing a bit not used to receive so many compliments in only one evening.

"Where is Bepo?" Law asked curious about the wellbeing of his beloved bear friend.

"He waits for us in front of the ice cream shop! You know how eager was to eat." Penguin said back and Law laughed at his answer imagining the bear's excited face.

"We should go and catch up with him now or he will be worried. You know how easily he can get anxious about minor things..." Shachi added and began walking to meet the fifth missing member of the gang.

"Ok, now we can go get som..." Law began to say until an unpleasantly well-known voice interrupted him.

"Lawwwwww-kun!!!! LAWWWWWWWW-KUUUUNNNN~~~!!!" Lana approached the black haired boy, making Elga move aside without giving her any attention at all.

"Hey, Lana-ya.", he answered rolling his eyes annoyed.

"Lawww! I didn't know you were going to come or I would have made some snacks to eat together while admiring the fireworks under the starry night!" she said daydreaming and Law couldn't help but sigh irritated.

That was his big surprised for the night and he knew Elga would be amazed by the view!

"Are there going to be fireworks?!" the brunette yelled excited with her eyes shining from joy.

"Of course stupid... That's the big deal with this event anyway... freak!"

"Oi! Who did you insult Barbie?!" Elga replied with a vein popping above her eyebrow from anger.

This blonde girl was really something when it came for bad manners...

However, Lana didn't seem to be interested into continuing their little argument and turned her face to Law again.

Elga decided she didn't want to ruin her mood and go grab the snacks in order to get back for the fireworks in time.

"I'm going to head for the snacks so wait for me here when you... finish with chit chats, okie?", she said to Law earning a desperate look not to leave him alone with the said girl but the brunette walked off anyway.

She started to feel hungry and didn't want to watch the fireworks with an empty, growling stomach.


"Here you go!" Elga talked to the seller, paying for the food.

"Thank you very much! Enjoy the festival!" he responded with a smile and the girl gave him a grin back too.

*I will definitely do!*, she thought and started heading for the position, she left Law some minutes ago.

She quickened her pace when she detected the infamous white, spotted hat until she achieved to walk out of the crowded flow and her view was clear in front of her.

A view that made her heart ache from pain and let her bag fall on the ground as her whole body got paralyzed.

Hands cupping his jawline, driving their fingers to the top of his neck and burying them inside his feather-soft, black hair. Curved chest touching his, connecting the places where their hearts are located. For a moment she was sure their hearts would rhythmically beat with the same rate. But more importantly cherry red lips kissing his. And those lips were not belong to her.

Elga hadn't realize when tears filled her eyes only until she felt them roll on her hot cheeks.

She quickly snapped out of the shock and picked the things from the ground, walking towards the festival's exit.

She would head back home with a blank face and a great emptiness in her soul.

Give and Take (Trafalgar Law X OC) Where stories live. Discover now