"But it looks like you know him very well little sis," George said and winked.

"Oh C'mon guys!" Bishop rolled her eyes and started eating her food.


"Yo McGee! Thanks for saving me, man." Nick said.

"Listen, Torres, you guys have to come back. We have a situation here. We need you guys! It's an emergency." McGee said. He sounds very serious.

"Hey... hey. Hold on, man!  Take a breath and tell me what happened?" Nick replied.

"Look, Nick, I can't tell you everything on the phone right now. Director has booked a flight for you and the bishop. Grab your things and get back in here. Your flight will lands there in an hour to pick you and Bishop." He said as he checked his watch.

"Don't miss the flight. We need both of you here by tomorrow morning." McGee disconnects the phone.

"But McGee...hey!" He runs into the house to inform Bishop.

"Who's on the phone Torres?" Bishop asked. By the look on his face, she knew that something is up.

"It was  McGee, he wants us back to DC. We have to leave C'mon. We have a flight to catch." Nick informed her.

"What happened?" Bishop asked.

"He didn't say anything. He just said it's an emergency. He sounded very anxious." Nick replied.

"Oh... God. It means something is really bad happened. C'mon..." Bishop said as she runs toward her room and started packing her stuff.

They left immediately and catch their plane. It's two hours and forty minutes long trip to DC. They both have no idea why McGee called them back to DC.

"Hey, Nick!" Bishop said

"Yeah, Ellie?"

"I am... ah... I am sorry about what mom said. She didn't know about your sister. She was just..." Bishop apologized.

"It's okay. I know your mom didn't mean that. Well, I would mind if it was one your brothers said that..." Nick said and then they both laughed.

They both were thinking about what had happened. And after long two hours, they finally landed in DC. The first thing they did was to call Gibbs.

"Hey, Nick! Have you tried to call Gibbs because he's not picking up my phone?" Ellie said.

"Because he must be with Jack. You know Gibbs, Jack and Christmas. Ooh... I am damn sure they would be together celebrating their Christmas by eating Gibbs's Cowboy style steaks and drinking a beer." Nick said as he tried to call Gibbs.

"Or maybe he is already there at NCIS," Bishop said.

"Whatever it is he is not picking up my calls too." They both started walking toward their vehicle.

"Did you tried Jack's number?" Nick asked as they get in the car.

"Already did, but she's also not answering her phone. Something is wrong. Let's hope everyone is fine. Especially Gibbs because he had been through a lot this year." Bishop said. Nick put his hand on her hand and grabbed it gently.

"It's okay... we will find out soon. Don't worry Bishop." Bishop put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.


"Hey, thank God you guys are here." Jimmy and Kasie were standing in the bullpen.

"Hey, guys! What's going on?" Bishop asked.

Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Sequel of IT'S NOT ME Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora