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Snape's POV:

As I walk to the great hall for lunch Lupin stops me. I let out a loud and dramatic grunt and say "what do you want you filth?" "Oh nothing just figured that I should probably stop bye and tell you that Albus is still in love with me" he says and looks in my eyes with an evil smirk. "Will you just let us be for once? I mean all you do is try to interfere with Albus and I's relationship and to be honest it's quite annoying. Don't you think?" I say sternly. Lupin chuckles and says "oh Snape when will you learn that he doesn't love you? He loves me and only me." "Oh stop lying to yourself Lupin, he will never love you. And I repeat NEVER!" I say with gritted teeth. "Well, would you like proof?" He says and with a grin ear to ear. "What proof! You have no proof! He is over you!" "Oh Severus, the letter says differently" that git says says softly but lingering with sarcasm.

Before I could say anything else he wips out a note that looks fresh and not old. "Where did you find that?!" I asks with fear and try not to show it but that didn't work out to well. "Read it" Lupin says as I rip it out of his hand.

I'll love you forever.
- A.D.

"This isn't true!" I yell. I mean this can't be true right? Ok now I'm panicking. "Scared, Snape?" He asks with a grin. "No! You know why? Because I know it's not true!" "Albus loves me!" I yell making some students look at us. "Snape, when will you understand? I'm just trying to help you." He says lowly so that only I can here. "And why should I believe you?" I ask with an angry but low tone. "Because, remember how we switched to eco friendly paper? Just in the last few weeks." He says. I mean he's kinda right. But I mean I shouldn't believe him. Should I?

Before I could respond to his smart comeback he's already walked off of the scene. This time looking happier and more upbeat. Probably because he knows he's got to me. He knows I'm thinking about if I should trust Albus or not. I mean I do but I don't know the paper that I'm holding in my hands says differently. It's definitely Dumbledore's hand writing.


"Hey" I say lowly as I sit down beside my fiancé. "You ok? You were late." Albus says calmly. "I'm fine, thanks for asking" I say lowly. I'm trying not to be mean but I'm still fired up that I just was handed a paper saying that he's cheating on me. "Ok...so how was you're day?" Albus asks trying to ease the tension. "It was absolutely lovely." I say with a fake smile. "How was yours?" I asks "it was great great!"
He responds high pitched and happily.

"I'm sure it was."


And that's were the drama starts!!
I hope you have a great day! Sorry for not posting as much but I'll try to more in the future :))

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