Chapter 32: Group Tutoring

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"Why don't you just shut your mouth, Malfoy?"


You knew it was going to be a long hour the moment you made it to the dungeons. Ron and Draco were already at each other's throats when you walked into the classroom. Literally. Ron had Draco in a headlock, and no one really seemed to want to make an effort to stop him. While the thought of the youngest Weasley boy choking out Draco was a tad (okay, a lot) funny to you, you had to break it up before someone seriously got hurt.

"Hey! Ron, put Draco down!" You snapped, closing the Potions door behind you.

Ron huffed, but dropped Draco from his hold, the blonde headed boy collapsing to the floor with a dramatic scene. He was beet red in the face as he coughed and sputtered for air. You sighed heavily, walking past Draco and setting your bag on Severus' desk. You leaned against the front of the desk, everyone else was fighting their giggles at Draco's little performance, except Ron, who was laughing wildly.

You held a hand to your mouth, knowing it'd be wrong to laugh at the fact that Ron had basically assaulted another student. Draco finally made it back to his feet, his voice strained as he lunged at Ron.

"You'll be sorry you did that, Weasley." He snarled.

Ron stopped laughing and surged forward to meet him halfway, but you leapt from the desk to keep them from fighting anymore.

"Stop! Both of you." You said, keeping them pried apart. This was the last thing you needed.

You made them sit on opposite sides of the room so they couldn't even look at each other, Draco still stewing even after he sat down. Once they were settled, you scanned over the room to make sure everyone who was supposed to be there was present. Ron and Draco had already made their presence known.

You were passing out practice sheets for their upcoming test, your eyes drifted from Neville Longbottom to Seamus Finnigan to Lavender Brown to...Harry Potter. Hogwarts' most famous "celebrity" (as Severus would put it) was sitting between Ron and Lavender at the front left table, his eyes looking to you with anticipation. You quirked a brow, considering he wasn't supposed to be there.

"Hi, Harry," You greeted kindly; "Are you here for tutoring?"

Harry nodded.

"Well, not officially...but I really need help with Potions so I came with Ron. Is that alright?" He asked.

You mentally cursed Severus in your mind. Of course he'd leave Potter out to dry when he was failing his class. Severus was always so cruel to Harry, so you weren't shocked that he didn't allow Harry to get outside help. You were glad that Harry took it upon himself to do so.

"Of course. I'm glad you're here." You smiled, handing him a sheet.

Draco sneered silently, snatching the paper from your hands. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at him. The room of third years were attentive as they listened to you explain the content on their upcoming Potions test, other than Draco's occasional snide comments. Your back was turned to the chalkboard as you were writing out an ingredients list for the Antidote to Uncommon Poisons when you heard Neville's voice.

"Miss [Y/N]?" He called.

You turned around with a warm smile.

"You know you don't have to call me Miss. Just [Y/N] is fine." You told him.

Neville blushed hard, a shy grin appearing on his face.

"I was just you have to use fire seeds every time you produce this?" He asked, referring to the Potion.

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