Chapter 6: A Turning Moment

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"I...clearly grabbed the wrong one."


After your rather personal conversation with Professor Snape, it seemed as though it established an extreme sense of comfort between the two of you. What was left of your nervousness was gone. He was much more accepting of your role as his assistant, and he was actually enjoying your everyday presence.

You continued to tutor Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, and Lavender Brown on a weekly basis, all three of them showing improvements. You had come a long way in your assistant's position since you were first assigned the second week of the term.

Nonetheless, you finally had a handle on everything, and things were going smoothly. Despite this, you were a little surprised when you were urgently summoned to Professor Snape's office after your first Quidditch match on Saturday.

Snape had agreed to only call you in on weekends when it was an emergency or absolutely this had to be something important.

You had barely come off of the Quidditch field when Madam Hooch alerted you that Snape wanted to see you as soon as possible. You quickly grabbed your things and booked it to the castle, not even bothering to celebrate with your team.

You were tired, considering you had played Quidditch from that morning well into the afternoon. You were sweaty and your face, arms, and legs were graced with dirt. Quidditch was a hardcore and rumble type of sport.

And anyone who had seen you play knew that you played rough.

You had a slight limp as you navigated the hallways to Snape's classroom. Your knee usually flared up after a long match or practice, but you were more thankful that you were able to play at all. You let yourself into the classroom, half expecting it to be obliterated or on fire based on the urgency of his message.

Instead, you saw Snape standing over a cauldron that was bubbling normally. He looked to you when you entered, his brow raising at your current disheveled state. You looked down at your dirt covered self.

"I just got here from Quidditch," You explained. "Madam Hooch said you needed me as soon as possible?"

He only nodded, motioning towards the cauldron. You took off your Quidditch robes, leaving you in your shorts and t-shirt.

"You need help with a potion? No offense, but I'd hardly declare that as an emergency." You said snarkily, but relieved nothing was seriously wrong.

He shot you a glare. Why wasn't he saying anything? He pointed to a labeled, empty vial that was placed on the table next to him.

"You drank a potion?" You asked.

He nodded. You approached the table and read the label, missing the fact that Snape's eyes were involuntarily looking you up and down. He knew you'd know what the potion was and what his predicament was just by reading the label.

"A Volubilis Potion?" You questioned. "Volubilis is supposed to change the sound of your voice."

What happened next took an amount of self control that almost made you combust. Snape looked to the floor and then back to you before talking in a voice so high-pitched and squeaky that it could've shattered every glass object in the room.

"I...clearly grabbed the wrong one." He said hesitantly.

A sputter of laughter threatened to flow from your chest. Professor Snape, the Potions master, had produced and taken the wrong potion. It was quite unbelievable. You pressed your lips together hard and balled your hands into fists to stop your shoulders from shaking.

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