Chapter 31: How It Came to Be

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"Well, aren't you bold?" 


A deep sigh with the faintest hint of a growl escaped Severus' throat as he collapsed back onto the pillows of his bed, his hands still glued to your bare hips. His chest heaved up and down as he took a few moments to collect his breath from coming off of his climax. His hair was tousled in the messiest way from where your hands had just been tangled in his black locks. However, he couldn't have cared less based on the grin on his face and the look in his eyes as he looked up at you.

Once your vision cleared, you popped off of him and fell onto the mattress next to him, ultimately snuggling next to him and resting your head on his chest. His arms instinctively wrapped around you, keeping whatever exposed skin you had from getting too cold.

After Advanced Potions, you and Severus quickly cleaned up the classroom and made a dash for his quarters, barely able to keep each other's hands off of each other the entire way. It was a blur of kisses and satisfied noises, your clothes were disrobed and you jumped into bed.

"You never fail to impress me, Professor." You sighed.

You felt a rumble of laughter erupt from his core.

"Were you previously under the impression that I couldn't perform well in the bedroom?" He asked with a fake offended tone.

"Not at all. But considering you're significantly older than me, I just-"

"Oh, really? Significantly?" He questioned with an amused smirk.

You often teased him about his age, although he really wouldn't be considered that old.

"Easy, Sev. I wouldn't want you to have a heart attack." You replied with a giggle.

He laughed again and kissed your temple, earning a content sigh. Silence fell over the both of you, but the normal silence that was comfortable to sit in wasn't present. You could tell he had something on his mind. You craned your neck to look up at him, he immediately started getting butterflies at the way your eyes dazzled.

"Something on your mind?" You addressed the odd tension in the thick quiet. You had begun kissing his neck and sucking lightly in certain spots that you knew were sensitive on him.

He groaned ever so at the feel of your lips on his skin. He took this as his opportunity.

"How did you feel when you smelled your Amortentia?" He pondered.

You thought about it for a moment, recalling the feeling that you had felt just an hour or two ago.

"I felt warm, but not in an uncomfortable way. I knew immediately that it was you. The old shoe smell came first, which is weird by the way." You said with a snort.

Severus rolled his eyes, as if he had any real control over that. You went on.

"The bitterness came next. It was kind of like overly strong tea or coffee," You explained; "The parchment was my reminded me of you the most."

His fingertips began to lightly drum on the outside of your thigh, tapping and dancing across your supple skin. He hummed.

"Mmhm, and why is that?" He asked, his voice airy and gentle.

You left a kiss on his shoulder.

"I think because it reminds me of how we ended up together," You proclaimed; "Being assigned as your assistant, grading papers, tutoring we're sleeping together."

He brought a hand to your head, ruffling your hair and scratching at your scalp.

"It's strange how things can change. Not that I'm complaining." He purred.

The Assistant || Severus Snape x Reader ||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu