"Behead him, and depart in half an hour." The young man bypassed the kneeling man. His voice was so cold that the rise and fall in his voice couldn't be heard. "Don't dirty the land of the Liu family."

"… Yes!" Wei Zi bowed his head and looked at the man kneeling straight, his eyes complex.

In the same Hidden Guard Battalion, this man had led them on countless missions, never failing in any way.

Except for one time, when he let the Emperor's beloved woman be killed and left the 16th Prince in a desperate situation.

Brotherhood was no longer enough for him to plead for him.

Because it was his failure, his selfishness.

Before dragging Wei Qing out, Wei Zi turned around. "16th Prince, the Emperor's condition is already critical … Also, I think our quiet departure from the capital has also been discovered. Someone will soon come after us. Before those people arrive, Your Highness had better leave as soon as possible so as not to affect the innocent."

After saying that, he restrained someone and flew away.

What happened outside the courtyard didn't blemish the tranquility of the small courtyard.

Axiu's footsteps stopped in front of the door of the next room.

He lifted his hand several times, but lacked the courage to push it open.

She was sleeping peacefully, and he was about to leave.

What should he say if he woke her up?

That he'd remembered everything; that he'd made up his mind to leave?

And then to pretend that she needn't have to worry; that he might, perhaps, never come back?

When he was down and out, she held out her hand to support him, and when he was foolish, she was there for him.

Was it just a dream?

He met her like a lonely traveler walking on a snowy night who suddenly saw the sun.

If he could, he would have stayed forever.

But he had to avenge his mother's tragic death.

He could never forget the fire that burned his family. It was also that fire that opened his eyes to the truth, that even if he retreated and ran away, he wouldn't grasp the peace he wanted!

The young man stood quietly in the doorway, his back thin and gaunt. The moonlight cast down from the sky reflected his slender shadow. Deep into the night, it was extraordinarily lonely.

In the end, the young man couldn't restrain the desire in his heart. He gently pushed the door and closed it.

Step by step, he walked to the bed, lowered his eyes, and greedily took in the figure of the sleeping baby on the side of the bed.

Wisps of moonlight crept inside through the half-open window gaps, falling squarely between him and her.

She was bathed in moonlight, her sleep peaceful and tranquil. He, on the other hand, just happened to be standing in the gloom that couldn't benefit from the moonlight, overflowing with sharp tyranny.

They were in the same space, yet divided into two worlds.

The distance was clearly within reach, but there were invisible and insurmountable barriers across them.

Her world was sunny, and beautiful flowers bloomed in her every step.

His world, however, he would tread on eerie white bones with every step; and when he turned, foul winds and rains of blood were the only things to see.

"16th Prince." Outside the door, someone whispered and urged.

Axiu crouched down and took the child's hand on the side of her face in his palm.

Her hand was soft and small, only the size of his palm. With a slight closing of his five fingers, he could completely envelop her hand.

The little baby was harassed in her sweet dreams. She tugged his hand back and pillowed her face on it. Finally, she gently rubbed her face against it.

The smooth and soft touch softened his heart.

Shengsheng, you said you like the life you're living now; you like it simple and plain.

What you like, I'll protect.

The young man shut his eyes, then opened them again, and his eyes hardened with determination.

With the lightest of strength, he withdrew back his hand and stood up. With a few strokes of ink and paper on the small bedside table, and a final deep look at the still-dreaming baby, Axiu turned and left.

Never looking back.

He might repent with a turn of his head.

The group left quietly, without disturbing anyone.

The Xinghua Village behind them was covered by the night sky, still peaceful and quiet.

This tranquility lasted only in the early morning hours, amidst the noisy clamor of the Liu family.

Liu Yusheng saw the note on the bedside table when she got up.

Gone back; don't worry.

Four characters, with a smooth, clear and powerful stroke.

He said goodbye with only those four words and nothing else.

Before going to bed last night, there were countless complex emotions in his eyes with a thousand words hidden; he had planned to leave long ago.

But refused to say even one word to her himself.

What was that?

The Liu family sat together in the hall in silence.

Grandma Liu still couldn't believe that the boy, Axiu, had left.

"Nannan, is Axiu really gone? Did he really write this?"

Note this is for Offline reading/purpose only credits to the authors, publishers, editors and translators.

Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don't Be Too SweetWhere stories live. Discover now