Chapter 11

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For a moment, there was silence that trickled between them until he heard the telltale sound of metal clanging against ceramic. There was a struggle, a few grunts, then a loud whine that made his lips twitch in the instant desire to grin.

Did the Lycan seriously just whine like a pup begging for food?

"It's hard," Jeongguk whined again, metal clanging. "This is stupid."

"No, it's called manners, Jeongguk," Yoongi corrected calmly, picking up a piece of his lukewarm egg and stuffing it in his mouth. He grinned. Jeongguk whined louder.

"I'm hungry," Jeongguk cried out in slight distress.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, unable to curb the desire, because he sounded eerily like a desolate teenager rather than a fierce beast he was mere days ago.

Who knew simple Korean chopsticks could ruin such a ferocious wolf?

"Great," Yoongi grunted, "I am housing a teenage werewolf."

"Teenage? Werewolf?" Jeongguk said, hunger forgotten.

"Shut up," Yoongi replies before the other could ask what either of those meant. "Here, you overgrown lap dog." Yoongi reached over, grabbing some of the eggs and holding it out.

"Wolf," Jeongguk corrected mindlessly.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, deciding to not comment, and had just managed to not jump when he felt lips and teeth grasping at his chopsticks to eat the eggs.

Sounds of teeth clicking harshly and odd sounds as if unsure to chew, he snorted. "You're literally like a human toddler, dear god," Yoongi complained. "You don't even know how to chew?"

Yoongi swore he could feel Jeongguk's glare licking at his face like flames. "Human jaws are weird. They- no teeth, and the food is too soft. What even is this?"

"Eggs," he explained, grabbing more up and holding it out. "You're seriously trying too hard, kid. Like this." He demonstrated briefly, knowing the Lycan was watching. "Okay? Try again."

He felt the eggs disappear from his chopstick's grasp, the sound of teeth clicking quieter than the first time, and he smiled quickly before schooling his face. "Well, at least you don't sound like you're breaking your teeth this time."

Jeongguk didn't answer, merely whined louder in a more wolven manner. He felt Jeongguk's hand grasp at his knee, the heat of it like kindled flames as he hoisted himself closer to Yoongi.

Yoongi paused, breathing catching at the action that screamed familiarity, even trust. Jeongguk didn't seem to notice, mouth open and eager for more food, and Yoongi tried to slow the racing of his mind.

It felt a little surreal, that the Lycan be on the floor in front of his legs, ands gripping the denim of his jeans like they were a lifeline with his mouth open like a baby bird desperate for a feed. The way he didn't seem too bothered by Yoongi now, going so far as to lean against him similar to how his old pup, Holly, used to.

Canine trait, he thought absently, picking more of the eggs and letting it drop into the awaiting mouth.

When the eggs were gone, Jeongguk didn't seem too rushed to move himself away. He still was half-pressed against Yoongi's calf, chewing awkwardly at the last bit of eggs.

"You've never had eggs before, have you?"

Jeongguk's heat shifted from against Yoongi. "No. I haven't been in human form this long either." He paused, and Yoongi tried to keep his face blank despite the shock. "Or ever eaten in human form before. Never had a reason."

"You don't, just, become human when you want to?"

"No," Jeongguk replied quietly. The feeling of his hand disappeared from his knee. "No wolf has a reason to, living in the forest. Human shape makes us weaker. We can't hunt, walking is impossible. Why bother?"

"But..." Yoongi was confused. If they had the ability to just change forms, why not use it to their advantage and change frequently. Then again, the idea of being wolf seemed like a dream come true. Not having to worry about human things. "I don't know. I just thought... you would shift a lot. Cause you have that ability."

"No," he concluded quietly. "I have only been in this shape once before. With my packmates." He snorted. "Taehyung thought it would be fun to try, but as soon as he realized he couldn't walk, he gave up." He paused, and Yoongi heard a slight hitch in his breathe. "Jimin gave up first, though."

"So... you, what? Live in the forest? Like- like a regular wolf would?" Yoongi asked, unsure if that was considered rude or not.

"Yes. I used to live with my pack. Higher up on the mountain, past where human's venture," he admitted, and Yoongi felt dark hair skim over his hands.

"Then why in the hell are you down here?"

Jeongguk was silent a long moment, and Yoongi got the distinct impression that he didn't like the question, nor was he planning on answering it any time soon.

"Why do you live alone on a mountain even though you're invalid?" he finally muttered, voice thick and heavy with daggers.

His aim was impressive.

Pain exploded in his chest, and he found himself too stunned by the bluntness of the words to even bother snapping back, and instead pushed himself away from the Lycan and marching towards the kitchen.

"Yoongi," the boy called, voice tentative and apologetic, but Yoongi couldn't dare grace the boy with an answer. Not a nice one, at least. "Yoongi, please."

Not caring if he broke one of his five plates, he tossed the two dishes into the sink. He didn't recoil at the sharp sound, too hot and skin burning, and worst of all, the way his eyes stung and misted over.

He refused to cry, refused to be anything other than angry.

The sound of blankets rustling and something sliding, Yoongi didn't even bother to look in the general direction of the Lycan. He couldn't hear the call of his name, still slightly mispronounced, over the pounding of his own heart.

Without hesitating, Yoongi slammed the door to the bedroom closed and, for good measure, clicked the lock into place.

Claws against hardwood followed, a familiar sound by now, and a long, mournful whine from a canine throat. He could hear the clicking of paws just outside of his door, sometimes scratching at the wood, and he ignored it all.

Twitter: JamlessAnna

CuriousCat: JamlessAnna

Ao3: bri607

Cover Art: @RealJams

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