Chapter 31- Run Away Drop Out

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Aubrey looks like^^^


"Cameron!" I laugh as he chases after me, shirtless, down the stairs and finally catches me by wrapping his arms around my waist to hold me back.

"No!!! I'm not letting you leave!" He laughs and whines like a little kid.

"Cam, I have to! I have a curfew!" I try to struggle out of his grip but it was no use.

He brushes some of my hair off my neck and kisses my neck gently from behind. "How about round 4?"

He whispers against my skin sending chills down my spine. I notice that he does that to me a lot.... I don't know how though. Oh, and round 4... Yeah, sex lasted till round three. It almost was took into the shower but I wanted to save that for another day.

"No Cameron." I sigh and finally get out of his grip and walk further to the door. "I'm exhausted." I wink and smirk at him as a clue to what I mean.

"Good I could help you get a work out." He winks back and strides over to me grabbing my hands and makes me place my arms around his neck, so he can kiss my forehead.

I smile and kiss him again. "I love you."

Woah... Wait.... Did I seriously just say that?!!!! What the fuck am I doing?!!!!

His facial expression freezes and I wait in total anxiety waiting anxiously for a response. This couldn't be good. My thoughts calm, when he smiles charmingly and pulls me closer to kiss me passionately. This kiss was the most heartfelt one yet.

He releases and smiles again. "I love you too." He answers in a soft, deep voice that makes my heart race.

I kiss him once more because I seem to never get enough of his kisses and hurry out the door before I feel like taking the offer of round 4.


I open the front door of my new foster home and find my foster mom sitting on the living room couch with some girl with familiar blonde hair.

"Aubrey?" I guess and the girl turns around. It was Aubrey!

I rush over to her and she gives me a hug. My foster mom just remains sitting and smiles at us hugging.

We sit back down and I was so happy to see her. I needed a girl friend right now after what just happened today with Cam.

"I'll leave you two girls." My foster mom smiles again before getting up to walk upstairs for the night. "Goodnight."

"Night!" I yell watching her disappear, out of view, up the stairs.

"Where were you?!" She playfully hits me and laughs a little.

"With my boyfriend." I smile.



"Oooooo! What did you do?! I see that blush and grin on your face!" She laughs and waits in anticipation for my answer.

"We did it for the first time." I spill without thinking twice about it.

"Oh my god! Was it amazing?!"

"YES! Oh my god yes! We had 3 rounds of it."

"No.... are you serious?! That's crazy! No guy I've ever been with lasted that long!"

"I know. He just attacked me over and over again. We almost went to round 4 but I told him I had to leave." I squel because now that I think about it, Thee Cameron Dallas just had sex with me.... Oh my god, what is life?!

"What about you and Carter? Didn't you see him today?" I raise my eye brow at her and she immediately clams up and calms down. "What? What did I say?"

"He broke up with me today." Her head lowers and looks like if I weren't in the room, she'd cry.

"What? Why?!"

"Because he said I had no time for him. But as much as I try to explain to him that it's my parent's fault, he doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm just lying because he believes I'm cheating on him with all the time I don't spend with him and how weird I apparently act when we're together." She was now going the opposite direction of sad, she was getting furious.

"That's ridiculous. I really wish you didn't have to live with your parents."

"I'm running away." She comes out randomly to say.

"No! Don't! That's illegal and dangerous!"

"I don't care! I'm sick of playing by their rules! I'm 17 for God sake! THEY WON'T EVEN ALLOW ME OUT OF THE HOUSE!"

"Wait... then how did you get here?"

"That's the thing..... I kinda, already ran away...."


"I know, I'm staying down at the beach with my friend and her other friends. They're all homeless I guess you could say, but they have it really good."

"How can anyone have it good, but be homeless?" I raise my eyebrow in speculation.

"They won't tell me how they do it. They just tell me to shut up and enjoy my stay with them."

"That doesn't sound very safe Aubrey..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm happier with them and I don't have the slightest thought in my mind to go back. I can't go back. They'd send me off to a military camp or something like that, for sure."

"Then stay with me." I whisper hoping my foster mom or any of the other foster kids hear me from upstairs.

"I can't, Britt. This is the first place my parents would look for me."

"Fine... then just promise me you won't do anything stupid when you live with those people down at the beach. If you feel in any kind of danger, promise me you'll come right over to my house."

"I promise. And I dropped out of school."


"Why would I go to school where I know my parents would look for me? Also, I don't need any more of an education. I know enough."

"You can never know enough, Aubrey."

"Yeah, well I do." She pauses as her phones beeps. She checks it and reads the new text. "I have to go, my friends need me for something."

"Be safe." I say as I hug her and she walks quickly to the door and out.

I look out the small side window next to the front door and watch as Aubrey runs down the side walk and across the street looking at both ways, like she's troubled about something. Something about the way she ran further and further away from the house didn't seem very settling. Something was wrong. I just hope and pray she'll be all right.


Sorry for the short chapter :(

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