Chapter 20 | Miscommunication

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I have my hand on a tree for support while I'm crouched down and basically puke all my organs out. My throat is burning, my eyes are tearing up and my jaw hurts. It's quite intense.

Sorin stands behind me, bless his heart, he's holding my hair back.

"Are you sure that you're fine?"


And I throw up again.

I feel fucking awful. My head is pounding and every single muscle in my body hurts. I've been sick before but this time it's even worse.

This has been going on since yesterday. And we've been walking for three days now. Occasionally taking a break to rest in our tents.

We're climbing up The Silent Mountains on our way to safety- to Sorin's boss but we still have a long way to go.

Our group is smaller now, we made sure everyone who wasn't needed left. Madam Eira included but she refuses to leave. She claims that we might need her.

So we're now somewhere in the forest close to the mountains and I think I caught a virus- the king's virus. I knew that he would contaminate me. I'm having the exact same symptoms but I don't get the time to sleep it off like he did.

When I think I finally hurled all my organs out, I take the handkerchief Sorin handed me and wipe my mouth.

I then brush my teeth and drink some water. My stomach is extremely upset with me. I understand her. I would be too. This altitude is not doable.

"Fallon, this is the second time today and it's only 9 o'clock in the morning!" He exclaims.

"Keep your voice down!" I whisper-shout. "People are trying to sleep."

"Alright but you need to see Madam Eira once she wakes up."

"Fine." I roll my eyes.

I walk back towards the main area where everyone was sleeping but apparently, they're not sleeping anymore. They're sitting on a picnic blanket, eating breakfast. Well everyone except the king is sitting on the ground. He chose to sit a bit higher on a big broken tree branch. Of course, he did.

"Look at sleeping beauty! She's finally up." My brother calls out.

"As if she slept at all." Corvina blurts out.

I smile, "Actually I did." I subtly glance at the king who was already staring at me.

We don't do anything. We only share a bed. Somehow it helps me sleep better.

He enjoys it because- well I don't know what's in it for him- but I think he enjoys having someone beside him.

I think he feels safe that way. Although he will never admit it.

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