"Sorry, Adrien."

Comincia dall'inizio

"I'll help you get together with Marinette."

"Tiger it is."

Gaia laughed.

Gosh, this man was so easily swayed.

Man he may be on the outside, he hasn't got an mature adult bone in his body.

He was a still boy. 

A boy in love.

He was still childish.

But his love wasn't.

She could tell it wasn't just a celebrity crush or a superficial, fleeting attractiveness. He was serious about her.

So maybe getting herself a sweet as sugar, badass, ass-kicking sister-in-law wouldn't be so bad.

"Oh, by the way, Tiger, god forbid if there are any fights between you, I'll be taking her side."

"Gaia, you're supposed to be my big sister—"

"I prioritize me being her sister-in-law first—"

The blush on Adrien's face was out worldly.



"Do you think I look presentable enough?" Marinette said, sizing herself up one more time in front of the mirror.

"You could ask me out in that dress and I'd agree, girl. And I am straight."


"Hey! Work clothes are sexy! Ask Nino how I look in them."

"I do not need to know how much Nino ogles over you. "

"Fair point. You couldn't pay me to hear all the lovesick things Adrien says for you."

"Alya, you know I am over him. And he made it very clear he wants to be just friends with me. I wouldn't press him."

"I bet you anything that by the time me and Nino get engaged, you two are going to date each other."

"Als, I told—"





Fidgeting with her purse, her breathing growing heavier by the second, a nervous Marinette entered through the giant glass door of the even more giant building.

She looked around the corner, and found a door that bore the inscription: Gaia Durette.

She checked the text from Adrien, checking if she got the name of her mentor right. Adrien had been kind enough to tell her where she was supposed to go and whom she was supposed to meet. His last text made her smile.

'Best of Luck out there!😸😸'

He sure was obsessed with cats.

Wonder why, though.

However, she was in no position to judge him for being obsessed with cats.

Knocking nervously, she said, "Umm, may I enter?"

She could not see the face of the person sitting in front of her, they apparently had their back facing her, but she could make out that the figure was a woman. She had dark skin, as was visible from the nape of her neck, and had extremely gorgeous blue hair? No, they were dark blue? But they were brown from the top. Maybe she was a brunette? And dyed her hair? She could also be a bluenette like herself, and dyed her hair brown from above. Gosh, why was she staring at her head! It was creepy-

Dark Wings RiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora