"Yep." She smiled and held out Oleg's head in front of her. "I even remembered to put the dagger in the head this time."

I walked over to her and tossed the head to her. "Eww, Maze. I liked this shirt."

"After the job we've done, I am sure that Boss will get you a new one." I made quick work back to Pavel's body and shoved it into the shipping container of Boss's drugs. When the Italians get their hands on these, they will be sure the Russians were taken care of. I also tossed Oleg's body inside before I seal the container back up.

"Come on Maze."


Back at the mansion, June and I proudly walked through the halls with the heads in our hands. A trail of blood is left behind us. Without knocking, I threw open the door and was met with Shade's back.

"Watch out Kenny," Shade growled while still looking at Boss.

I noticed that Shade held two heads in his hands while Carlos stood empty next to him. I shoved my way past Shade and held up Pavel's head to Boss. June followed suit and held up Oleg's.

"Very nice ladies." He focused on the head in my hands. "what did you do to his eyes?"

"For the first one I drove my heel through it and the other was pushed by the dagger, post mortem."

"The bodies?"

"Shipping Containers."

Boss didn't say anything else. He put his attention back to Shade and Carlos.

"You two also got your targets, but Shade had to get both. Why is that Carlos?"

"I froze Boss."

"That will not happen again. Correct?"

"Yes, Boss."

Boss pointed towards the door and Carlos left his office without another word.

"Shade, June, and Mazikeen. You have made me proud. Your rewards are whatever you wish to have. Let me hear it." Boss sat back down at his desk and opened a notebook page. He looked to June first.

"Boss, I would like to buy some new outfits and go out to the public."

"Okay June, but you must go with Mazikeen." June nodded her head and left the office.

Boss looked to Shade next. "Boss, I would like new gym equipment. I have broken the punching bag and the weights need to be heavier."

Boss nodded and scribbled down something on his notepad. Shade nodded his head and turned to face me before he left. "Good work Mazikeen."

It was now just Boss and I. "What can I do for you Mazikeen?"

"I would like to learn of my past."

Boss stopped dead in his tracks and looked me straight in the eyes. He then avoids my gaze and looked around the office. He cleared his throat.

"What specifically Mazikeen?"

"Did I have a last name?"


"How old am I?"

"I am not completely sure."

"What was my parent's names?"

"They were assassins for me. They came to work for me when they were in their twenties. Therefore I do not know their legal names, they only told me their cover names."

"Which were?"

"Your father was named Derek. Your mother was named Holly."

"Where was I found?"

"I can not answer any more questions Mazikeen."

I dropped my head in disappointment. Boss stood and went to my side. His huge callous hand rested on my slim shoulder.

"You know that as my assassin you must be as invisible as possible."

"I understand Boss."

"Therefore, your past is nonexistent. Your life began in blood and you will most likely die in a pool of blood."

"I am nothing more than an assassin Boss," I responded in a flat tone. Boss always said ignorance is how you control people. While I was skilled in many fields of fighting and personal interrogation, I never understood myself.

"Good Mazikeen. Now, how about some new blades?"

"Thank you, Boss." I bowed in respect.

"If you see a maid on your way out, send her into moved the heads to the vault."

"Yes, Boss."

I headed back down to my dorm. Shade was in the hallway talking with Carlos. I walked up the Shade and pulled him away from Carlos.

"Why did you compliment me earlier?"

"To get on Boss's good side. I can't stand his liking of you. He wanted me to be nicer, so in his presence, I will tolerate you." He flipped us around and shoved me into the wall. "In private, I still have to restrain myself from killing you."

I rolled my eyes at his empty threat and headed back to my dorm.


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A shady past? What bad could come of that? Surely nothing...

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