"Problem solved."


Trina twitches her eye after Mina was grasping her ankles.

"The Queen Bee..."

"GASP! I'm totally that already! Now I can have a real crown to prove it!~"

She turns the flyer around to face. Mina squints to read the tiny text.

She glances behind her, "But it says the Queen Bee is the sweetest honey drop in Peaceville. That doesn't sound like-"


Mina shrivels into a ball, cowering below Trina.

"You're right," What, "I better not lose that pageant or I'll be wickedly unhappy for the rest of like ever!"


Corey sticks his head through the gap of Trina's door.

"Corey," Kin starts, "The queen is supposed to be sweet as honey!" He clasps his hands together, "Your sister's more like honey garlic."

"Hold the honey."

"Trina is definitely a bitter pill," Corey pursed his lips.

"So we'll just have to be her...artificial sweetener!"


Mayor Mellow floats down in a bee costume carrying a picture of his mother.

"Gentle ladies and merry men, Mother and I would like to welcome one and all to the Peaceville Pollination Nation Pageant!"

"Now let's meet our darling little bees!"

The mayor gestures towards three little girls in cute outfits.

The girls smile and giggle as the crowd coos.

"One of them will be crowned queen and the others will buzz off!"


Trina taps her foot on the floor. Mina is trying to sew the dress faster.

"Ugh! Mina! You totally made me miss my cue!" She glares, "How long does it take to sew a winning pageant dress from scratch?!"

"Done!" Mina smiles and gives her two thumbs-up. Although her fingers were covered in bandages.

"Knock 'em dead Trina!"

Trina rams Mina to backstage, "That's the plan!"

"Aren't they larvelous?" Mayor Mellow grins as Trina walks over, fake smiling and laughing.

"Let me remind you what "cute" is." She said.



"Wuh-oh..." Corey murmurs.

"The only way to get diary-filled lyrics is if Trina wins."

Corey informs, "And the only way to make Trina look sweet is to make those sweet girls look sour."

"But they're like little human sugar packets from a sequin coffee shop!" Laney rolls her eyes.

"I'd drink them," (Y/N) raises his hand and Laney vaguely gestures.

"That's the spirit!"

"Hands in for our unity chant!"

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