Reminiscence | Chapter Thirteen

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"Wait, you want me to tell you everything I know about her?" Kiyoshi expressed with a contorted face. Hawks wasn't sure why he looked so surprised as if it was a bad thing, so he just nodded. It wasn't like he was asking him about her credit card information.

"Is there a problem with that?" Hawks questioned.

The black haired male looked to the side for a bit, "Uhm, yeah? She doesn't like it when I bring up the past even around her, so think about how mad she'll be with me if she figures out I spilled to you."

A scoff left Hawks' lips, "This is for her. I'm not asking, because I want to out of boredom, I want to guarantee her safety. Don't you feel the same way?" He raised his eyebrows to add some a persuasive feeling to his statement. As much as Kiyoshi wanted to retaliate, he knew that he was right. Even if she was going to get mad at him, it was better to be safe than sorry. He'd rather that than allow something to happen to her, because he was scared of her getting angry with him.

Kiyoshi pushed himself off of the chair, arms still folded. He inhaled deeply, his chest falling as he exhaled. This would be so much easier if she just told them why she was feeling so weird lately. But, Kiyoshi could only suppose why she didn't was because she wasn't comfortable with sharing that information with them. Or it was something that wasn't easy to share.

He fully supported her actions, and was aware that Y/n's life wasn't all sunshine and happiness. He knew that much when he met her for the first time, but he wished she wasn't as stupid to be doing something reckless without the help of others. Yes, Y/n was very independent, but even independent people needed to lean on others sometimes.

Hawks watched the male walk over to the windows, watching the world go on. People scattering the sidewalks, buildings towering over the cars, kids running away from their mothers. Genuine things he'd see everyday. He'd actually liked looking out the windows as he did it everyday, it calmed him. The peace and solitude eased every bone in his body. It was actually his plan to travel the world someday since he loved nature so much, but being a pro hero stopped him. Maybe he could try it some other time with an addition of another person.

"Fine, but what I say should only contribute towards her safety. Don't use it for anything else." He warned. Hawks rolled his eyes at the comment, just what else was he going to use it for anyway? Besides, he didn't need to be told that, he already knew.

"Start to when you first met her. Don't leave a single detail out. If you forgot something, use your brain to remember." Hawks demanded as if Kiyoshi was his co-worker. He scowled at the directive tone in his voice, but nonetheless he eventually nodded.


Another assistant application. Kiyoshi hated these things, all the assistants sucked anyway. They didn't do anything but complain and complain. If they couldn't handle the work then why did they apply for it anyway? It was extremely aggravating.

He didn't even ask for this one, but someone in the office had promised that this one seemed promising. Though, that's what they said all the time. Every single time there was a new assistant application, they were rumored to be hard working or that's what their resume said. That part always failed whenever work came onto them. They were useless.

Kiyoshi pressed his hand against the door handle, sighing. He really didn't want to do this. He'd rather do the work himself than go through weeks of horror because of a lazy assistant. Fighting the urge to leave, Kiyoshi pulled the door open and plastered his fakest smile on his face.

"Hello! Sorry, I'm a little late." He turned his head to watch the door close behind him. He heard a small laugh, the voice obviously from a woman. When he heard the door click, he spun back around to meet with e/c bright eyes sitting in the chair in front of his office desk.

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