Club | Chapter One

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It was the only word that could describe her feelings at the moment. There wasn't any other way she could want to experience this. Everything that had led up to this point had finally worked out. Her trauma, her past relationships, her 'phases'.

Her hand drifted across the paper, writing down a schedule for her boss to follow. Y/n worked as an assistant for heroes. She had been doing this for nearly two years, but had stayed in the same rank. There were certain ranks assistants were placed in according to hero charts and how hard they worked. Y/n was assigned in the 50-100 rank, meaning a pro hero that ranked from 50 to 100 could pick her.

She had believed that she could be placed a little higher than that, but she was glad that she wasn't in the 400s anymore. There was little work so the pay wasn't that much, and she barely had enough to pay for her apartment. But luckily, she was bumped up way higher due to her spending countless nights working on new things.

A hand slowly crept onto her shoulder. A million spiders shooting up her body, a small recoil coming out of the female. She immediately looking behind her, wondering who would do something so ominous. Once she recognized the familiar face, her scared expression soon leaving. It was her best friend, Mei that would occasionally come and see her.

"Put that stuff away. We're leaving." The words were demanding, but somewhat tempting.

"As much as I want to leave with you, I can't and you know that." She responded, a small frown displaying on her face now. "Leaving would only put me behind in my work, and I can't afford to do that considering how strict my boss is." She whispered the last part.

"Y/n, I'm not going to repeat myself. I will drag you out of here if I have to." Her friend crossed her arms, one eyebrow raising. She had supposed the eyebrow raise was meant to intimidate her. She laughed quietly, shaking her head.

A break did sound good, and she knew that if she went somewhere with her friends her time wouldn't be wasted. She looked back at her papers that sat on the desk, sighing softly. Y/n knew that if she left early without finishing she was probably going to have to come back within a couple of hours to actually finish. But even that puts her at a setback because with the hours she was going to use gone, more work would end up piling and piling.

"Okay, I'll go." She eventually gave in, "But Mei, you have to promise me that I'll be back here around twelve am." The friend jumped with excitement at her words. She nodded, agreeing to her terms. She then picked her phone up and began twiddling her thumbs across the screen.

"Who're you texting?" She asked Mei. Her eyes never left her phone, but a grin would curve the corners of her lips.

"This boy I'm going to meet at the club. His name is Kaito, and let me tell you." Mei whistled. The female playfully rolled her eyes in return, sending a small glare her way.

"So, we're going to the club?" She asked Mei. Again, she began to twiddle her thumbs at the phone nodding slowly. She was off into a daydream so her response was slow. Instead of asking another question, the female stood from her work desk and ambled inside of her bedroom.

She immediately went to her closet, searching for the best thing to wear. It was about nine pm, and she would be back home by twelve am. Nearly three hours to spend time with her friends. Though, she couldn't drink this time because she was most likely going to work when she got back home.

Her hands ran across her clothing, not seeing anything she was interested in wearing. Instead, she whipped out her phone and searched for her other friend, Reina that was also going to attend the club with them.

9:08 pm

i can't find anything to wear to the club :(

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