"Oh, dear! I am so sorry!" A woman said as she clashed into Diana on her walk. She looked up at the person before her and saw a very familiar woman with almost bright orange hair and a sweet smile.

"No, that's quite alright. I wasn't watching where I was going." Diana replied politely.

"I haven't seen you around here before, are you new to town?" The woman asked, tilting her head confusedly. Diana smiled and nodded.

"Just moved here into number 26! I'm Diana." She stuck her hand out, and the lady shook it.

"I'm Wanda, and it looks like I live right across the road from you!" She smiled, retracting her hand.

"We should go for some brunch together. It's not everyday someone new is in town!" Wanda offered politely, and Diana smiled brightly.

"Of course! What a lovely idea. What's the best place in town?" Diana asked, her smile hurting her cheeks.

"Well that would be Denny's Diner of course!" Replied Wanda.

"Lead the way, Wanda." Diana chuckled, looking around at the street. It was really quite for a Saturday morning, but she pushed that thought aside as she began to follow beside Wanda.

"Are you new to town as well? You're awfully nice." Diana smiled as the two walked side by side. Wanda seemed to struggle for an answer before she nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I am. This town is quite beautiful and the people are lovely. It's the perfect place to live the rest of your life." She continued to explain, and Diana was delighted by her words.

"It sure seems like it." the Amazonian smiled, staring up at the building they had come to an abrupt stop to. The pair were able to quickly find a booth to sit in and immediately began to make some small talk.

"So, I see no ring on that finger of yours, Diana." Wanda noted, which seemed to be something everyone was pointing out.

"Well, its complicated." She replied vaguely causing Wanda to laugh.

"It's always complicated." She nodded. "But you don't seem to have it that hard. A big house, no man telling you what to do, must be the dream." Wanda joked around, and Diana let out a laugh.

"Wanda, my life hasn't been what you probably think it has. We all have our struggles..." She trailed off, thinking back to Steve Trevor.

"Yeah, we do." Wanda agreed. "Have you ever been in love?"

She paused for a moment, taken back by the question. Her head was beginning to feel heavy as though something was trying to break through.

"Uh, yeah. A long, long time ago." She replied, but it wasn't at all what she was trying to say. In fact, it wasn't true, and they both knew it.

"You?" Wanda lifted herself up slightly, pulling her clothes back to show off her baby bump. Diana gasped in amazement and the two began to laugh.

"So, what happened to your man?" Wanda asked as their laughter died down. Diana sighed, knowing that this was something a lot of people were gonna ask her in this town.

"He was a pilot, and well..." She trailed off, but Wanda immediately knew what she was hinting at.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She said, trying to convince herself she had no idea what Diana was going through.

"Just, sometimes I wish he was here."

"I get that." Wanda attempted to empathize, placing a comforting hand on Diana's. This moment felt so familiar to her, and it was obvious Wanda had recognized it to. She snapped her hand back, almost like Diana had burned her.

"H-Have we met?" Diana asked the woman in front of her, her own smile fading.

The fake smile on Wanda's face dropped like she had been betrayed. Diana's heart was banging a little louder, something about this making her feel uneasy. Then all of a sudden the feeling lifted, and Wanda began laughing. Diana felt herself joining in for absolutely no reason.

The waiter came along with a notepad, and smile on her face. It was as though nothing had ever happened.

Later, once she had returned home, Diana began to clean the house. She never understood why it was so messy, only she lived there. The whole building felt foreign to her. She doesn't even remember moving in.

She had just finished cleaning the living room when a creak caught her attention. Her head snapped around trying to find the source of the noise and it led her to the basement.

She didn't know there was a basement.

As she flicked on the light switch and slowly walked down the short staircase, she felt disturbed. Like this was somewhere she shouldn't be.

There was a sound she could hear so clearly. Like the sound of sharp metal hitting against a surface. She walked closer to the sound which appeared to be coming out of a wooden crate. The crate had a large metal chain wrapped all around it, tightly secured by a lock. Without thinking too much, Diana crouched, reaching her hand forward and grasping the cold metal lock. She gripped it tight, giving a small effortless tug that pulled it off.

She gasped in shock, falling back onto the ground. She felt back onto the ground, lifting up her hands. Diana stared at her hands in wonder, moving them around as she inspected them.

Where had the strength come from?

Collecting herself, she stood back up, removing the rest of the chain from around the box before she opened the lid. She peered inside, her eyes catching a metal chest plate of some sort. She moved closer, her hands reaching in the box as she fumbled around with its content. A skirt... Boots... A shield... A rope... A sword!

Oh no, no, no. She couldn't handle this. Her head felt hot, too hot! As though she was stuck in chains and trying to break free. A loud scream, tore her from her thoughts, but the moment she turned, she fell straight to the ground. Her whole world had faded away.

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