Chapter 21

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(1 week later)
Note:This is set around Bella's birthday in new moon.
Hopes POV
This past week me and Paul are dating and the it couple in school. Also Jared and Kim are dating and me and Kim are kinda the it girls now. Except me and Kim are nice and everyone loves us. And marcel and Rebekah had to leave town so now its just me, Sarah, Ava, kol and Davina here. And now this "you do know your leaving me and Sarah right?" I say amused. "Your 19 hope and you have the guys and the new house, you'll be fine" kol says "actually I want to stay" Ava says shocking us all. "No your not" kol says."You said it yourself,the guys are here,hopes 19 and they have the big house and I can transfer here for school, we'll be fine" Ava says trying to negotiate"fine"they say.Kol vamp speeds to his room and packs everything fast and comes back down. "Be careful alright?" Kol says worried and kissing her forehead "I know" Ava says and Davina kisses her forehead too and they walk out. We all look to each other happy "alright I'm in charge so go pack your rooms, we're moving to the big house"I tell them and  we pack up and meet downstairs. I text the guys to come help us move to the new house. "Hey" "hey" me and Paul kiss and the guys hug Sarah and Ava. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention, over the week the guys and Ava have bonded and Sarah's happy with Liam. They move things to the car and go shift to follow us. We get to the new house.

We arrive and it was perfect

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We arrive and it was perfect. The guys shift back and stare at the house "this is the house you built?" Paul says mesmerized. "Yes now come on" I say and we get inside.

 "Yes now come on" I say and we get inside

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(Living room 1)

(Living room 1)

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