Chapter 58

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Hopes POV
*dream* I'm sitting in my hot-tub and so is everyone else. I notice Josie and Lizzie here and someone new. Jane. 'What is Jane doing here? She's a leech and killed Bree and evil'.We were all laughing and having fun. 'Why are we not killing her? Why is she in my house? Why is she here?'. I see 2 young boys too.'Maybe they're new to the pack?'.I also see Bree and a new beautiful girl.She has a necklace on that says Nessie.'Hmm don't know a Nessie'.I notice one last new person.A blond by Sam and Emily.'Who are all these new people?Why are they in my house?'.*real* I wake up quick 'what was that? Was it a dream?Future?I can't tell this time'.I see it's 6:37 and decide to wake up already. I shower and change. I dry my hair and put it in a ponytail.

I get a text from Josie saying they're 3 hours away

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I get a text from Josie saying they're 3 hours away. I text the group telling them and to come over.

Sarah's POV
I wake up and don't see Seth.I find a note "sorry, had to get home". I shower and look in the mirror. I find the hickey "yes!yes!yes!" I say excited. I change.

I head down and hopes cooking breakfast

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I head down and hopes cooking breakfast. "Hey, Josie said they're 3 hours away"she says not turning around.I sit down and wait for everyone and food. Soon everyone arrives and hopes done. "So just wanted to warn you guys that Josie will obviously be her welcoming,sweet self but Lizzie will probably not care or act as if she doesn't care or care, depends on how hot she sees you guys and will most likely roast you guys, ok?" Hope says like it's normal. Everyone stops and looks at her weird. "o-k" everyone says unsure of how to answer that. We all ate and save some for the girls. We hear the doorbell and we all walk over to greet them. Hope opens the door.

Hopes POV
I open the door. "Josie!" I squeal and we hug. Lizzie walks past us and goes inside.She drops her stuff like we'll do it for her.

She drops her stuff like we'll do it for her

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(Outfits)^"It smells like ass in here"Lizzie says disgusted

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"It smells like ass in here"Lizzie says disgusted.I see everyone shocked by her sudden sass. "Oh hi I'm Elizabeth but Lizzie for short" she says like if she were royalty.She shakes their hands and they're still shocked.When she gets to Jacob,he looks a little in a daze. 'Oh no'.

Jacobs POV
Wow sassy much. "Oh hi I'm Elizabeth but Lizzie for short"she says.'Wow,her voice is like an angel'. She shakes my hand and I stare into her eyes.She's beautiful,perfect blond hair,beautiful green eyes, perfect lips and perfect skin.'Oh I just imprinted...I don't like Bella anymore'. I Realize, I didn't let go of her hand and am still staring. "Got a problem?" She asks "no,sorry"I let go and look away.I didn't want to let go or look away.I see the guys smirking,I groan."Uh hi, I'm Josie" she says with the sweetest smile and shakes our hands. She goes to hug Sarah but stops and gasps."What is this?!"She asks worried.We all look to see a hickey.We all growl and turn to Seth angry.He looks scared.'Oh you better be'.

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