Chapter 23

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(Ethans wolf) ^
Hopes POV
"Ethan!!" I jump on him and he laughs catching me. He puts me down and I turn around to see Paul there looking mad. "Ava!" I call her down and everyone comes down to see what's going on. "Ethan!" Ava says running to him and kisses him, jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around him. The guys growl and Paul sighs relieved.Ava gets down and Sarah hugs him. "Guys this is Ethan, my boyfriend, what are you going here?" Ava asks "I heard you were staying here and I decided to come stay too" Ethan says. "Ethan this is Sam,Jared,Paul and Emily" Ava introduces them "hey" they all say to each other. "Here, let me take you to a room" Ava says and leads him to his room.

Avas POV
We walk inside "it's perfect" Ethan says.

He sits down on the end of his bed and pulls me to straddle him

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He sits down on the end of his bed and pulls me to straddle him. We kiss and Hope walks in "sorry I didn't mean— "oh no it's fine" I tell her getting off him. "I thought we should Formally introduce the guys"hope says hinting to their wolves"oh yeah,sure" I say and pull him downstairs.

Hopes POV
I head down with my hand to my forehead trying to erase that image I just saw. When I get down Sarah and Emily realize what I just saw and start laughing. The guys look confused and realization hits their faces. Ava and Ethan get down "guys I thought you should officially meet so Ethan they're wolves and guys Ethan's a wolf" I say and look between them to see each of them shocked. Sam gets a call "hello" he says. "Alright, I'll look" he says and hangs up. "I've gotta go, Bella's missing, I'm gonna help look" Sam says leaving.

Sams POV
Harry Clearwater just told me Bella's missing and to help look.So her I am in wolf form,searching the woods,looking.I find her,she's sleeping in the woods.'Who the hell sleeps in the woods'.I shift back and carry her home.Chief swan comes running"she's okay, she's alright"I tell him.He grabs her and takes her inside.I look to Harry and he nods grateful and I turn to Jacob. I stare at him and he shifts uncomfortably.

When worlds collide (the originals/twilight crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora