Chapter 34

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As I wiped my tears, I decided no more. No more will people get hurt or die because of me. After I help clear the vampires out of Greyson's pack and find Axel, I am going straight to the Elders. Enough is enough. If they want me, then fine, they can have me. As long as they leave everyone else the hell alone. 

"The pack house, that is where the hidden bunker is? They are just begging to be found" a voice broke over Kaiden's crying, followed by a group of laughter. 

I turned to Kaiden, who with his werewolf hearing, heard the sudden intrusion as well. I put my finger to my lips, signaling for him to keep quiet as I tip toed towards the door.

"You know Greyson, he's too full of himself and his strength to think anyone would get past his home. Fucking Alphas" added a second voice, earning another bout of laughter. 

"What is the plan when we get there?" a woman's voice interrupted. That voice. I recognized that voice. Tracy.

"Kill them all" a voice that instantly made my blood run cold. "Even the children. Drain them dry". Davina. That fucking bitch, I am going to kill her. 

"What about Scarlett" Tracy's voice took over again. 

"Bring that piece of trash to me. I'll kill her myself" not before I kill her first. Kaiden was at my side in seconds. 

"Luna. They are going to kill them all" his voice shaking. "I can't lose my mom too" tears fell down his face. 

"We won't let them. I need you to mindlink Greyson now! Tell him who is leading the attack. Mindlink Elena, let them know they were betrayed, they know where the bunker is." I whispered.

He closed his eyes in concentration. I moved closer to the door to see what I was up against. I peeked out to see at least 20 bodies. A mix of werewolves and vampires, Davina's red hair leading the group. Of course Tracy walking beside her. They passed us, but some of them were werewolves, they'd be able to smell me. I don't know much about vampires but I'm sure they'd be able to smell the blood on me if I wasn't careful. I ducked back in, they are about a 10 minute walk from the pack house, at their speed maybe 5. Fuck where was Greyson.

"What did he say?"

"I can't reach him. Something isn't right. It's like there is nothing there but static." the worried look on his face caused a panic in me. 

"What about Elena?" I asked. 

"She said she's ready" he stated. 

"Shit, we can't wait for him. Stay here and keep trying. I am going to try to stall them." Fuck taking on one vampire almost depleted me, I don't know if I could fight them all by myself. How am I supposed to be this lost prophet with all of these powers if I can't even take on one vampire without draining myself. 

I had to try though. I couldn't let them hurt Greyson's people, my people. They needed their Luna, I'd do my best to be her. 

"Luna, please don't make me stay!" Kaiden begged. 

"I'm sorry Kaiden, I can't let you get hurt. I promised your mother I would bring you both back" I sadly glanced at his grandmother. "I won't fail her twice" I said before enclosing him in a soundproof protective shield. I hadn't accepted the bond yet, I wasn't his real Luna to order him around. My protective shield would be the only thing to keep him here. He banged on it as I walked quietly out the door. I know he was angry, but I had to keep him safe, this was the only way I knew how. 

As I walked out, I pulled a shield around myself, sealing my scent in it. I followed them through the woods, trying my best to stay behind the trees. I had never spied on someone before, I don't know if I was doing a good job or not, I must be doing okay since no one has turned and killed me yet. 

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