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12/30/12 - Jinks is awesome! I love my amazing little JinksiePoo. I would marry him if the distance wasn't keeping us apart. He gave me a nickname!:D My nickname is KimmieZombeh! That's where I got my username from xD His voice is so amazing! It suits him perfectly. I can't get over how perfect his voice is c: Anyway, he's opened up to me before because he trusts me and I love that he can trust me. He loves me and I love him! He knows how big of a crush I have on him, but he doesn't allow anything to get awkward between us c: He's also my best-guy-friend! I would literally die for Jinks. If I had never met Jinks, it's hard telling where I'd be right now. He helped me through a lot when we first met and apparently I helped him through a lot too. I love Jinks with all of my heart and if I ever lost him, my life would be worthless. He's the most amazing guy in the world! He is so sweet and caring! And funny xD I know pretty much everything about this boy and everything I know, I love <3 Every time I learn something new about him, it just adds onto the list of things I love about him c: <3 I love you Jinks!(:

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