Chapter 49| A Mother's Intuition

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god, my baby. She's...oh Kieron, get the car we need to go to the hospital right now. Kalen, Kai help Tristan to the car. Your sister needs us more than ever." I got the boys moving and out of the room, before I let myself break down.

Tears, that I didn't even notice had fallen, began streaming down my cheeks, and I was suddenly struggling to breathe. My chest hurt, my lungs felt like they were about to collapse at any moment and my heart was breaking.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Ryder pulled me into his chest, allowing me to slump back. I was one moment away from falling completely.

Ryder was my rock though. He had the ability to make my whole body relax with one soothing touch. I needed him, my husband, the man I married and love to tell me that our baby was going to be fine because if she wasn't...there was no telling what it would do to me.

"She's okay, she's okay. She has to be." Ryder seemed as though he was trying to reassure himself more than anything but I repeated his words in my head.

My baby was fine. She had to be.

I turned in his arms, tears soaking his white shirt. "Ryder, I need you. I need my husband right now because I'm so scared."

"I'm here baby." He swept me up in one fluid motion and carried me out to the cars.


The moment we reached the hospital, I immediately asked the nurse about Kiara but was given the dreaded answer that everyone hated.

Sorry I can not disclose any information right now. Thankfully for me, I had three gangsters for sons and a mafia don husband.

Kalen managed to find out that Kiara was currently still in surgery and had lost a lot of blood. She was in desperate need for a donor, and I had never been so thankful to have four perfect children with the same blood type.

They all volunteered, which warmed my broken heart, but ultimately Kieron went in with the doctor. The rest of us rushed up to the ICU.

As the elevator doors swung open, our eyes all met with a pair of blue ones, filled with complete and utter anguish. Aaron froze upon seeing us all, and then Tristan's words flooded into my head.

He dumped her. No-one dumped my baby.

Before I could march over to him, Ryder was already storming ahead. His fists bawled up at his sides and rage written all over his face.

Oh no.

Aaron didn't move, he stood completely still, as my husband punched him straight in the face. "That was for having sex with my daughter." He growled, pulling back his fist, before launching it at Aaron again.

"That was for dating my daughter." Aaron spat blood onto the floor but still refused to fight back. Ryder punched again.

"And that was for breaking my daughter's heart." The last one should have knocked him cold, but Aaron was resilient. He merely hauled himself off the floor, and stumbled into one of the empty hospital chairs.

Tristan sighed, and limped over to him, slumping into the seat besides him. I knew Aaron was hurting, I could see how much he cared for my daughter but that didn't excuse the fact that he dumped her. That he broke her heart even after I entrusted him with it.

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