Chapter Forty Seven

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Robby ran away again?!?!

Dad explained how he tried to pick up Robby and ran into Mr. LaRusso. They were both trying to pick up Robby and this only aggravated Robby when he came outside. He refused to go home with either of them and walked away.


I headed to Miyagi-Do for training and was greeted by the rest of the members, who were all working very hard. I showed up a bit late, due to the conversation with my dad about Robby. I quickly found my spot, but sadly Mr. LaRusso spotted me.

"You're late"

"I know, I'm sorry" I said as I positioned myself.

He sighed before turning to us all and beginning his instructing.


After a long time of training, I was ready to die.

"Ok, lets do it again from the top" Mr. LaRusso said. "Keep going. Let's go"

We all complied with a sigh before starting again. Mr. LaRusso became frustrated with our sloppy work. He couldn't blame us though, we were completely drained out.

"Come on, Chris. You know these moves."

"Sorry, Mr. L. I'm just trying to keep up"

Mr. LaRusso then walked past Demitri. He had gotten out of his cast recently and was doing pretty well with his recovery.

"Did you like having your arm broken, Demitri? Because if you defend like that, you're gonna be right back in that cast before you know it."

He was being a little harsh. I guess the whole Robby situation had gotten to him too. Thankfully, Mrs. LaRusso spoke up.

"Uh- ok guys, lets uh-, lets take five. Yeah?" She awkwardly said. "There's iced tea and lemonade inside."

We all did as she said. Everyone grunted in pain as they made their way inside. Before I coud relax, Sam pulled me to the side. She wanted me to listen in on their conversation with her. We peaked our heads through the door slightly to get a better idea of what they were talking about.

"Take it easy, Sensei" Mrs. LaRusso teased.

"They should know this stuff by now" he explained. "You know its my fault they're in this position. And one day, they may find themselves all alone out there and they'll need these techniques to survive."

"Ok, so this is about Robby, right?"

Mr. LaRusso didn't respond.

"Look, Daniel, you need to let him figure it out. If he wants to come back, the door's always open, but if he doesn't you're gonna have to let him go."

"I can't just let him go. He has no one"

It broke me to see how much Mr. LaRusso cared about my brother. He almost cared as much for him as I do. I could tell he was feeling guilty for what happened. Between that and the whole Kreese situation, I couldn't blame him for feeling so overwhelmed.


When class ended it was finally dark outside. Sam and Mr. LaRusso asked me to close up for the night. I was happy to say yes. I wanted to help out in any way possible. I just wish there was someone else to help me, I was feeling a little lonely.

After I finished cleaning up and locking up, I decided to sit outside and just take in the fresh air. I ended up laying down on the bridge to relax. A few peaceful moments past by until I heard someone enter the dojo. I jumped up in fear only to realize that it was Miguel.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I laid back down.

"I asked Sam where you were when i couldn't find you at home" he said as he laid down next to me.

I closed my eyes to try and go back to the serenity I was previously experiencing. It was no use though as Miguel spoke up again.

"You excited for the Tournament?"

I had completely forgotten about the Tournament. It had been the least of my worries lately and now it was the thing I was fearing most. Thanks for that reminder, Miguel.

"Not really"


"We're going up against Cobra Kai and I still haven't even decided whose team I'm gonna be on"

"Sorry, I guess I hadn't thought about that"

"It's ok. Can we just not talk about it anymore?"

"Talk about what?" He joked.

I laughed and nuzzled into him.

"You know, you can train here anytime" I smiled.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a cool yard, but do you guys actually do karate here?"

I sat up to give him a grin.

"It looks like breathing exercises!" He testified as he too sat up.

"Oh, its not badass enough for you?"

"Oh come on, we've trained in junkyards and cement trucks!"

"I know, I was there too. I've also trained in that pond over there"

"Oh, a pond" he sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes at hm before lightly hitting him.

"Ok" he said as he stood up. "Alright. You looking to take on the champ?"

"I seem to remember forfeiting to let you win"

"Well, lets see who the real winner is" He teased.

We both positioned ourselves to fight. I made the first few moves, but surprisingly, he blocked all of them.

Eventually, I got a hold of him and we were practically breathing on each other.

"Gotcha" I smiled.

He quickly slipped me around so now he was holding me instead.

"And I got you" he laughed.

I got ready to kiss him, but we were soon interrupted by an all too familiar voice.


It was Robby. I turned around and quickly ran towards him. I let out a sigh of relief as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh my god, Robby" I cried.

He snaked his arms around my waist to pull me in tighter.

"I'm so glad you're ok" I said as we let go of each other. I then realized that Miguel was still here. He and Robby hadn't seen each other since the fight. They made contact for a second before looking back to me.

"What happened to the Mohawk dude?" Robby asked.

"It's a long story"

"What, did you get with him because you felt sorry for what I did?"

"What?! No!"

"Yeah, sure sounds like it. Just admit that you're trying to clean up my mess" he said as he began to become more angry.

"Hey, man thats enough" Miguel said as he intervened.

"Stay out of this!" Robby yelled.

"I don't think I will"

With one look, I could see it in Robby's eyes. He was prepared to fight Miguel. He started to strike at him, but luckily I stopped him just in time and pushed him off of him.

"Robby, don't!" I yelled.

And just like that, we were back to square one. Robby hated me. I could tell jail had changed him for the worst. Even everything before that affected him.


"No, stay out of my life!" He said as he walked away.

I was left in tears and collapsed into Miguels arms. I lost my brother, again.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang