Chapter Forty One

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Miguel was finally able to come home. That meant that me and my dad needed to start helping him recover. My dad felt like he owed it to him and his family. I just wanted to help Miguel get better. Seeing him in that wheelchair broke my heart.

My dad and I headed over to Miguel's apartment. We found him and a physical therapist. It looked like he was trying to ease Miguel into his recovery by slowly moving his legs around.

"Let's go Speed Racer. I'm gonna work those gimpy legs like a-" my dad stopped as he took notice to the current situation. "Sorry. I thought you said 10:00 that you'd be alone"

"I'm sorry, my mom gets free physical therapy from work. And this was the only time Brayden was available." Miguel explained.

"Mahalo" Brayden said to us.

"We'll be done soon if you wanna wait"

Miguel's mom didn't look too pleased to see my dad. She sighed at Miguel's offer.

"Now, if you're feeling any pain, hermano, let me know." Brayden said to Miguel.

"Still no feeling whatsoever"

"No worries. Positive thoughts, remember? You're doing great"

"At what? Letting you lift his legs?" My dad commented.

I kicked my dads leg to stop him from making this worse. I know this wasn't his idea of helping Miguel, but it was what his mother wanted. If he really wanted to patch things up with her, he would accept her wishes.

"Johnny, Brayden is a specialist in this field. He knows what he's doing." Miguel's mom said as Brayden continued to help Miguel.

"Inhale joy and love-"

"You've got to be shitting me-"



"Johnny, can I talk to you for a minute?" Miguel's mom asked.

They both left the room to chat. I took this time to catch up with Miguel.

"You look like shit" I laughed.

"Wow, thanks"

"I'm kidding" I smiled.

"You look nice" he commented.

It was sweet for him to say that since I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt and short shorts.


"Aww, this your girlfriend?" Brayden asked as he picked up Miguel's other leg.

"Oh- uh- no,we're just really good friends" Miguel explained.

"Yeah" I added.

I did wish I was his girlfriend though.


When Miguel's therapy session was over, we brought him outside to do our version of therapy.

As he said goodbye to Brayden, my dad when up to the second floor for some reason. I don't know why, he hadn't told me about what we were gonna do to try and help Miguel. Miguel rolled himself over to me.

"So, what's up first?" He asked.

Suddenly a playboy magazine was lowered down by a fishing line in front of Miguel. I looked up to see my dad holding the fishing pole. What the fuck was he doing?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see, now step aside" my dad replied.

I did as he said and he began to explain the exercise to Miguel.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now