Chapter Five

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The class ended with everyone either in pain or on the verge of death. My dad didn't seem to care that it was the first day, he lived up to the term 'No Mercy'. I was getting my things together to leave before Eli came up to me.

"Hey Blair"

"Hey Eli, you did great today"

"Thanks, you too"

"Sorry about my dad"

"It's fine, I'm used to it"

It made me sad to hear that he was used to being bullied. I knew that if I didn't talk to my dad, things would only get worse, I'd hate to do that to Eli.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hangout tonight?"

"I'd love to-" before I could finish, I had received a text, it was from Moon. I had forgotten that I texted her, asking her to drive me to Sam's house to sort out this whole Robby situation.

M: I'm in the parking lot, lemme know when you're done.

"But I can't, I have some things I need to take care of. Maybe some other time" I said. It hurt me that I couldn't hangout with him, I really wanted to.

"Ok" he said as he walked back over to Demitri.

I told my dad that I was going to eat dinner at Moon's tonight to avoid telling him that Robby might be living with his arch nemesis. He didn't question me and sent me on my way. I was happy to know that things were starting to look up.

As I left the dojo, I found Miguel sitting on the curb, probably waiting for his mom to pick him up.

"Later loser" I teased.

"Oh please, you know you won't be able to say that forever" he said as he walked over to me.

"And why is that?"

"Just wait until I'm as good as you"

"In your dreams" I laughed.

But he wasn't wrong, he was getting better at a fast pace, but I doubt he would ever reach my level. I've been doing karate since I was little and he just started today.

He grinned at me and I decided to test him. If he was so confident, then why not try a few moves on him before I go.

"Hit me" I said.

"I'm not gonna hit a girl"

"Is that supposed to make a difference?"

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"The fact that I a girl?"


"Then hit me"

He gave in and decided to strike first. I dogged him easily and struck him in the side.

"Still think your on my level?" I teased as I threw him down the the ground.

"Yes" he said as he flipped me over, pinning me to the ground.

I slightly blushed at the position we were in. He helped me up and I brushed myself off.

"I think I just beat you Miss. Lawrence" he laughed.

"Oh please, who said I didn't just let you win because I felt bad for you"


I continued to look at him until I heard Moon yell from her car.

"Are we going or not?!"

I looked back to Miguel and laughed, Moon was always funny when she was in a bad mood.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now