Chapter Thirty Nine

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Nothing major has happened lately. Robby was still in jail, Miguel had his surgery, and my dad was still figuring out what to do now.

Sam decided to bring back Miyagi-Do behind her parents back. We thought continuing to train was necessary since Cobra Kai never stops. We were doing a pretty good job hiding it since Mr. LaRusso went away on a business trip.

Sam and I finally brought ourselves to go back to school and everything seemed to be going fine so far.


I headed to lunch and decided to sit with Moon and Yasmine. Apparently while I was away, Yasmine had been getting closer to my friends. I soon realized she wasn't the bitch she used to be.

"Hey guys" I said as I sat down.

"Hi" Moon smiled as she pulled me into a hug. Yasmine just gave me a smile.

Soon Demitri entered the room with some big object in his hands. "Hey! You ready to rock out Earth and Science project?" He asked as he set the object down in the center of the table.

"I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk on a regular basis" Yasmine said. Apparently she was partnered up with Demitri for the project. I lucked out with getting paired with Moon.

"Hey, hey, hey! My popularity's on the rise, while yours is steadily declining" Demitri explained. "But uh, maybe we can meet in the middle, like a sexual Venn Diagram"

Moon and I bursted out into laughter as Yasmine was stuck with a look of disgust on her face.


"So whats under the sheet?" I asked.

"I'm glad you asked" as he tore off the sheet to reveal a very impressive LEGO diagram/sculpture. "Behold, what scientists believe to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Go ahead press that hadrosaur egg."

Moon did as he said and soon bird sound effect and smoke started to pour out of the top of the volcano. We all became very impressed.

"Holy shit-" I exclaimed.

"Not bad. My parents might not have to pay for my A this time" Yasmine smiled.

"Oh, your parents will never have to pay for an A again."

"Our project looks like shit compared to yours" I laughed.

"It does not" Moon argued.

"Well- at least my portion of it does."

We all bursted out into laughter. As Demitri began to explain how detail this little project was.

Suddenly, a soccer ball smashed into the presentation, breaking it all apart. I quickly looked up to see Hawk snickering at the sight. That fucking prick.

"Oh sorry man. Looks like my ball just got away from me" Hawk said as he retrieved his ball.

"That took me three weeks to build"

"Eh, took my ball three seconds to destroy it" Hawk said as he walked back to his group.

I could tell that Demitri had had enough.

"Another week, another pissing contest. Though I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much." Demitri said as he walked up to him. I quickly followed behind to prevent any further fighting.

"You landed one kick. You got lucky"

"Enough!" I said.

Hawk scoffed at the sight of me, "Already sleeping with some new I see"

"Back off" Sam said as she entered the conversation.

"Or what? You gonna get your little boyfriend to push another one of your problems off a balcony?"

Sam quickly pushed him back before a teacher called out to us.

"What's going on here, Miss. LaRusso? You know our new guidelines against physical contact." She said before hearing her attention towards Hawk. "Did she enter your personal space bubble without your verbal consent?"

"Yeah, she definitely triggered me in my safe space" Hawk lied.

"You lying piece of shit" I said as I stepped toward him, thankfully Demitri stopped me in time.

"He started it by destroying my science project" Demitri explained.

The teacher looked at Hawk, waiting for his explanation.

"That was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway."

"I don't want excuses. I just want you all to respect each other" counselor platt said.

"She's right guys. We should stop the agression. Micro and Macro"

"Oh fuck off" I told him.

"Hey! I have been very lenient with you, Miss. Lawrence for obvious reasons. Your free ride is over. This is your last warning" she said before leaving.

"For you pansies, no space is safe" Hawk laughed before returning to his little group.

This was worse than before. Hawk had turned into a complete psychopath.


The day continued and we headed off to gym class. Thankfully, Sam and Demitri were in my class along with a few other members of Miyagi-Do. Sadly, a few members of Cobra Kai were also in our gym class, including Hawk.

"These gym shorts pinch in all the wrong places" Demitri complained.

"Oh come on, have some school spirit" Sam added.

"Oh yeah. Go Mountain Lions!" Demitri mocked before doing a funny roar.

We were getting ready to play soccer outside. It was red vs blue, or in this case. Miyagi-Do va Cobra Kai.....again.

As we saw the red team make their way onto the field Demitri spoke up.

"I wish we could do something about those cretins.

"We can"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"What's a game of soccer without a little physical contact?"

It was a genius idea.

"I knew we were friends for a reason" I laughed.


The game began normally and eventually Sam tackled someone to the ground. My turn, I struck Mitch in the ribs and stole the ball from him, ready to make a goal. Suddenly, someone snuck up from behind and stole the ball. Hawk.

"Sorry Princess" he mocked as he made the goal.

As he made his way back to his side, Demitri joined him. He whispered something to him before throwing him to the ground. I was so proud at the progress that Demitri was making. It also made me happy to see Hawk in this much pain.

The game continued until it really wasn't about soccer anymore. No one had made a goal in the last ten minutes because everyone was too focused on strategically injuring someone.

I saw my shot and took it. I bounced the ball up and struck Hawk right in the face with it. Before long,the coach blew her whistle before ordering us all to head to the principals office.


It was complete bullshit. Hawk and his friends were off the hook while me and my friends were going to have to face Saturday detention.

"This is bullshit!" I yelled.

"That is enough Miss. Lawrence!" Counselor Platt told me. "I think you need two weekends of rehabilitative detention"

"You can't do that to her!" Sam defended.

"Unless you would like to join her Miss. LaRusso, I suggest you stay out of this"

"This school sucks!" Sam yelled as she punched the locker and started to walk away. I quickly followed behind.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now