Chapter Ten

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I went back to school today and managed to keep a smile on my face. Eli didn't show up, apparently he didn't show up yesterday either. I was getting really worried about him. Demitri and Miguel kept trying to calm me down, but it was no use. He hadn't texted any of us in the last 48 hours. I kept my fingers crossed that I would see him at the dojo tonight.


The day went by slowly and killed me inside. All I wanted to do was go to the dojo and see if Eli was ok. I would constantly check my phone to see if he had texted me, he hadn't.

When I got home I went straight to my room. To pass the time, I watched YouTube and eventually came across a questionable advertisement.

On my screen was Mr. LaRusso advertising for his new dojo called 'Miyagi Do"

He continued to talk about how his dojo was the right choice and that karate was all about the self defense. I could see Robby and Sam behind him, showing off their skills. This was bullshit.

Mr. LaRusso ended the advertisement by saying, "Don't be a snake in the grass", referring to Cobra Kai.

I bolted out my door to show my dad the advertisement. He was just as pissed as I was, maybe even a little more.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now" he said as he sank back into his chair.

"You know what this means, right?" I asked.

"No what?"

"They're gonna enter into the All Valley Tournament, why else would they do this?" I answered.

He sighed and became more angry. Eventually he stood up and grabbed his keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"The dojo, if the LaRusso's are entering in the Tournament, we need to train more. Especially if your not participating."

"Dad, I'm not even dressed yet"

"Then you better hurry up, meet me outside in 5. Oh and text everyone that training starts at 3 from now and runs until 7" he said as he walked out the door.

" I couldn't believe this was happening."

I quickly got dressed into my Gi and ran out the door.


As we drove, I text the group chat that included everyone from the dojo. I updated them on the tournament and the new times. Thankfully they all replied saying they were on their way, that is, everyone except Eli.

Everyone arrived at the same time and we all headed into the dojo. My dad didn't even give us anytime to talk, he yelled at us to line up right away.

"Thank you all for coming in early on short notice. As you all probably know, we are entering into the 50th All Valley Tournament this month. No surprise that we are far from ready. We will be training longer and harder until then and even after that. Losing is not an option!" He yelled.

I continued to look around the room, looking for Eli. No sign of him. I sighed and gave up on looking and faced my attention forward.

"Since you've joined Cobra Kai, I've been hard on you. I've called you names, I've humiliated you, and some of you I've hit. And for that, I don't apologize. Cobra Kai is about strength. If you're not strong on the inside, you can't be strong on the outside. And right now you're all weak. I know that because I was you. I used to have no friends. I used to be the weirdo kid" he said as he pointed to a skinny kid with glasses. "Well, not that weird. I hooked up with babes and all, but- the point is, I wasn't always the badass sensei i am today. Just like a Cobra, I had to shed my loser skin to find my true power. And you guys will too" he added.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now