You're addicted to a drug called the apocalypse (22)

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"Come on! Let's go!" You say

"I don't think she's breathing." Luther says

"If we don't get her upstairs she's gonna die." Klaus says

When we got her upstairs. Mom came to rescue the day. We layed Allison down on the table.

"She suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood. And y/n, without your help, she would have bled out."

"I will." All three men said

"Im doing it." Luther said

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy." Pogo says

"Why?" Luther asks

"Because you're a fucking monkey." You say

"Your blood is more compatible with mine." Pogo continues

"Hey, don't sweat it. I- I got this, big guy." Klaus pays his arm "I- I love needles."

"Master Klaus. Your blood is... how shall I say this. Too polluted."

"I want to give her blood, I didn't do anything with mine." You start

"Master y/n, I don't know how to explain this, but No. when you went into that coma, we have you lots of medicine to try to wake you up. It's still in your blood."

"Move." Diego pushes you away

"Yeah, go on." You walk to the front of Allison, where her head is.

"I'll do it." Diego walks to Mom. When Mom grabs a needle, Diego whimpers and faints.

"Woah." You say

Pogo nods "Stick him."

You stayed, watching over Allison with Five and Luther. When it was done. You, Five and Diego met in the living room.

"The bastard that nearly killed out sister's still out there, with Vanya. We need to go after her." Diego starts

"Vanya is not important."

"Yes she is."  You say. Everyone looks at you.


"I mean. Hey, that's your sister. A little heartless even for you, Five."

"I'm not saying u don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us." Five stands right in front of you inches away. "Harold Jenkins is our first priority."

"I agree. Let's go." You walks closer to Five, your bodies almost touching.

"You guys count me out." Klaus says "i mean, you know, no offense or whatever. It's just... I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for newly-sober me, so..."

"You're coming." You say, without losing eye contact with Five

"No, no , no. I mean, I think we can all agree that my power's... I mean, it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back."

"Klaus get up." Five says, without losing any eye contact with you

"You can't make me."

Diego a knife at Klaus, it lands light between his legs

Klaus sighs "oh, then again, a little exercise couldn't hurt. Yeah." He walked to us. You gave him a fast kiss on the mouth and then walk with Klaus, Diego and Five to the car.


When we walked into Vanya's house, she wasn't there. But guess who was. The one and only Harold Jenkins, stabbed with, let say 15 knives in his chest.

•Waking up new•  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang