Who are they, Five? (13)

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"Well, we can't go back to the house." Luther says "it's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back any moment."

"My place is closer. No one will look for him there." Diego says

"Don't you live in like a room with a bed and that's it?" You ask

"Yes, but there is enough space for the both of you."

You hear Five slowly waking up.

"If you vomit on me..." Luther says

"Welcome to the land of the living, Five." You say

"You know what's funny?" Five says "aah! I'm going through puberty."

You laugh

"Huh. Twice."

"I drank that whole bottle, didn't I?" He asks

"No, you drank half, I drank the other half ." You say

Five smiles at you.

"That's what you do when the world you love goed bye-bye" he says "Poof, it's gone. What are you guys talking about?"

"Five I already told you, two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night." You say

"They came looking for you." Diego says "So I need you to focus. What do they want."

"Diego he is still drunk, let me do the talking okay." You say, still half drunk

"Hazel and Cha-Cha." Five says

"Oh darling don't say such things, you'll regret it." You say. You look at Diego "although it's true."

"Who?" Diego asks

"You know, I hate code names." Luther says

"Luther, those are there real names." You say

"Ah, the best of the best." Five says "except for me ofcourse."

You laugh

"The best of what?" Luther says

"You know, Delores always said she hated when I drink. She said it make me surly-" five says

"Hey!" Diego yells

"Hm? Yeah?"

"I need you to focus." Diego says "what do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?"

He looks at Five

"We just want to protect you."

"Protect me." Five slowly repeats "I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed?"

"You killed people? What the fuck Five." You say.

"I'm the Four fricking' Horsemen." He says "the apocalypse is coming."

You are feeling a bit sick, you vomit, right next to Diego. You can't really walk straight.

"Oh hell no, you're coming with me." Diego says, helping you up he carries you to his place.

"There is only one bed." Luther says

"Yeah, no shit." Diego says

"What are we gonna do."

"Just lay them together, I heard y/n calling Five 'darling' I think they are okay with that." Diego says

Luther nods and lays Five and you beside each other on the bed. You both mumble some stuff but then hug each other.

"Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep. especially hugging y/n." Diego says

"Well, don't worry. He'll sober up eventually." Luther says "be back to his normal, unpleasant self."

•Waking up new•  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin