Who the hell is Harold Jenkins? (17)

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The handler took a sip from her juice

"And that's how Phil determined that the archduke just had to go."
You nod in amazement

"Care for dessert?" She asks

"I had a bad Twinkie in the apocalypse once. It kind of put me off desserts." Five says

She looks to you

You wave your hand 'no' "I never really liked sweets."
"Please, indulge me." She points to a bowl of sweets.
You and Five hesitate for a sec, but than both grab a sweet.

You sigh "thanks."

The handler lights another cigar.

"What does that taste like to you?" She ask to Five

" the 1950s?"

"Precisely right. Our clever metaphysics division concocted a way to perfectly distill an entire decade into a single candy. This one's modeled after the Fudge Mutt" she picks up the sweet "America's favorite in 1955"

"Remarkable." You say

"You'll be happy to know it's the very division that's building your new body." She says to Five

"Wait what?" You say in confusion

"Oh, that reminds me. I have something for you." The handler picks up a phone "Carla?"

"Yes?" The voice over the intercom says
"Would you bring the box in, please?"

The intercom clicks and you hear footsteps approaching. Behind you, you see Carla having a huge box in her hand. She sets in on the table and walks away.

"Go ahead. Open it." The handler says

When Five opens it, it's just a box of clothes.

"Clothes make the man, Five. Won't it be nice when you can actually wear it? Very soon, I assure you. They're perfecting your body as we speak."

"Thank you. It's a very kind gift." Five says with no emotion shown

"So let me get this straight. This deal includes a old body for you?" You say to Five

"Yes, precisely." The handler responses "didn't he tell you?"

"No." You say looking furious at Five

"Is that a Chinese flamethrower?" Five asks. He points to an object

"Good eye."

Five walks closer to it

"War. Such a fascinating concept. A temporary salve for a permanent human flaw. Course, it's a bit easier to see from 30,00 feet." She chuckles "these are just some of the things I've collected in my travels." She picks up another item "M26 grenades from the Vietnam War. And this, the most noteworthy, perhaps. My Walther pistol. The very one H1tler used to kill himself."

"How do you know that's it?" You ask

"We're not supposed to talk these kind of things, but ... he wasn't gonna use it anymore."

You laugh

"Feel... how perfectly balanced that is. Hm?" She gives the gun to you.

It does feel pretty balanced, I like it.

"I had some thoughts I wanted to run by you." Five says "some suggestions to improve Commission protocol."

"Mm! Shaking thing up already." She says

She grabs the gun back from your hands

"I admire that. Go on. Do tell!" She walks back to her desk.

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