Drunk as a skunk (12)

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You walk up to the van.

Guess he didn't leave at all

"You know, you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only six days left." You hear Five say "yeah, you got a better idea? Okay,then."

You open the door.

"What are you up to Five?" You say

"Nothing, still waiting."

You point to the opening of the building

"Look." You say

"That's our guy." Five says

A car approached Lance. He got in a car.

"What the hell is he up to?" You ask

Five looks to you.

"Keep an eye on her, be right back." He said before he teleported away.

A headache brought your mind to another subject. It hurts. It is like something bad is going to happen. You sigh.

Better check

"Delores, imma get some sleep. Wake me up if Five comes back, will you?" You say as you lay down in a comfortable position. Astral projection is what you needed right now. You count to 100, with number higher, you feel more like yourself. You already feel the floors and you open your eyes. You're at the academy.
"Guys!" You yell

"Y/n were did you go?" Vanya says, being confused on why you ran off.

"I'm not really here, but I sense something coming." You say. "I got his headache."
Diego passed us, overhearing the conversation "Wha-?"

You quickly shushed him. "Shut up Diego, be quiet."
He was quiet, but he also ran into a hallway
"Diego what the fuck." You whisper-yell.
As you expected earlier, the sound of shots beging fired was ringing in your ear. You hear metal stabbing something.

"Diego what we're you thinking?" You say when he finally shows up again, fortunately being unharmed.

"Y/n this is not good. We need to find everyone." Diego says
"No shit." You reply, rolling your eyes.

The clicking sound of shoes on expensive marble was heard far away. It meant that the shooters were getting closer and closer. Without any reason, Diego's hero-complex took over. He jumped over the couch we were hiding behind and he immediately punched one of the shooters.

"Cha-Cha, shoot him." You hear a man say. His voice sounds familiar, almost as if...

Is that the same man from the mall?

"Get out of the way, dumbass." You hear the other shooter say, her voice was feminine. This was definitely Cha-Cha.

Diego trows the masculine shooter against the wall. In response: Cha-Cha tries to shoot him but you fire a lighting bold right next to her.


"You missed!" Diego yells
You scoffed. "Shut the fuck it, Diego."

"Come on" you hear Cha-Cha say as she helps the other man up.

"We have to jump." Diego says

"No- I am not-"

But Diego already grabbed you by the arm and you two landed on a couch. You hear shooting noices all over the house. With results of shots in Dads portrait.

Diego and you hide behind the couch.
You hear footsteps approaching.
It was nerve wracking.

You try to see what's going on, but accidentally knock over something. You hear shooting. Feathers falling all over the place. You hear someone trow a ball and then you hear a shooter fall.

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