38 - confused; coffee

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Around noon, in New York, after you'd been mindlessly strolling around, you got a call. You answered it, having nothing to do, with Halloween in America not really beginning until the evening. Nothing had begun happening.


Shoko sighed. "You don't seem distressed, so I assume you don't know."

"What?" You stopped walking. "What's happening? Is something wrong?" You were paranoid earlier, about not being able to see Nanami before going off, but this was making you more nervous.

"Come home, Y/N."

"Tell me what's going on, Shoko."

You heard her sigh again. "Go to your hotel room. It's best if I tell you everything while you're inside."

"Shoko, you're scaring me"-

"Well, it's really bad. Go to your hotel, and book the soonest flight home."

"If it's that bad, just have Gojou teleport here and bring me back." You were answered with silence. Your heart dropped. "Shoko?" Please, oh God please, you hoped, please have just been cut out by a bad signal. Please, don't say it was silence.

"I'll tell you everything once you get to your hotel."

You dashed there, immediately dialing her once you got to the elevator. "Are you in your hotel room?" She asked.

"Yes, I am, now tell me!" You didn't mean to yell, you were just unbelievably stressed. "Did Satoru make you do this so I'd come home sooner?"

"I really hate to say anything over the phone.. But Satoru"- you were interrupted by another call. It was from an unknown caller id. That usually meant it was the higher ups.

"Give me a second Shoko." You went on hold and answered teh unknown call. "Hello?"

"Kamo-san." It was a servant. With how serious Shoko seemed to be, you were insulted they gave you a servant to talk to. "I apologize for giving you this news over the phone but the jujutsu headquarters would like to give you a notice on everything that happened in Shibuya."

"I don't care," you grit your teeth. "What happened with Satoru?"

"I will get to tha"-

"Tell me now."

You heard him sigh. "Your ex husband has"-

"Excuse me?" You immediately interrupted. "I believe you're mistaken, Gojou Satoru is my husband, not ex anything."

"Well, Gojou Satoru, has been deemed an accomplice to the Shibuya incident and is thus permanently exiled from the jujutsu world. Furthermore, removing his seal will be considered a criminal act."

"Excuse me?" You were completely and utterly confused. "You're going to have to back up completely. I don't understand- I wasn't there."

"Well, we're quite busy here, miss, you'll have to get information later"-

"No I won't ," you glared at the wall in your hotel room. "My husband is in danger, my friends were in danger, my colleagues were in danger, in Japan, and I was told to go fuck around in America, like usual, when grade 3 sorcerers here could handle the situation here. I wasnt informed of a single thing while- I assume- the people in the jujutsu headquarters were simply watching everything go on instead of helping so, no I won't get my information later because now is the time you tell me every single thing that happened, with every single detail."

"Alright miss, but I warn you, please do sit down."

The last thing you wanted to be greeted with was Shoko over Nobara's hospital bed, healing her. She was hunched over, and was too focused on Nobara to notice you. You'd glanced in the other rooms, with Maki and Ijichi, feeling guilt build up when you realized you weren't there. You never were.

Not when Haibara died, not when Getou left, not when Riko died, not when Nanami died, not when the jujutsu world was going to chaos, not when Gojou was sealed.

You put coffee down on the desk near the door, when Shoko seemed to finish up. She turned around and her tired eyes widened slightly when she saw you. You picked up the coffee again, swirling it around lightly. "Got you some coffee. I thought you'd be tired."

"Thanks," she grumbled, walking over to you to take the cup from your hand. She took a small sip, before looking up at you. "You okay?"

"Not really. Are you tired?"

"Obviously," she sighed, taking a gulp of the coffee you'd brought. "I'm only alright cause I thought you'd be off the rails right now."

"You think so low of me," you said, scratching the back of your head. "I had my breakdown hours ago."

Shoko hummed. "Sorry I wasn't there."

"That's alright," you pat her shoulder. Touching someone else was quite comforting, you realized, when you both seemed to get less tense when you did so. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in. "The men in our life are idiots."

"That's why I didn't date any of them," Shoko retorted. You looked behind her at Nobara, softening at the sight of the heavily injured girl looking so peaceful for once. "She'll be alright."

"She better," you commented. "Same with Maki and Ijichi. If I lose anyone else I might become hysterical to the point that the elders choose to execute me too."

"About that," Shoko asked. "Did you get a punishment too? I thought you would, for being Gojou's wife."

"I'm going to be on constant parole," you sighed. "Because I'm the first person they think would unseal him."

"And they're right."

You sighed heavily. "Too bad I won't have the opportunity." You thought of Maki and Nobara again. "But y'know.. It's horrible that they put these kids through this and didn't get involved themselves."

"What else did you expect?," Shoko remarked, sarcastic.

"Not much, I guess." You stalked towards Nobara, and noticed her scarred face. Hovering your hand above it, not touching it because it was too fresh, you stood up straighter. "If I can't save Satoru.. I'll settle for pursuing what he wanted. I don't have the great influence he does but.. I'm going to make these kids as strong as they can be."

Shoko made her way next to you and pat your back. "You're a much better influence that he could ever be to these kids. Gojou Satoru isn't a match for you."

You both shared small smiles, before she leaned her head on your shoulder. "Speaking of," you whispered. "He'll come back, right?"

She didn't answer for a moment. You both stood in silence.

"He will," she said, finally. "That man wouldn't leave a world where he has you."

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