25 - vacation; highschool

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Gojou played around with his phone in his hands, after ending the call with Utahime. "What's up?" You asked, as you heard him curse under his breath.

"I'm not sure how much those around Utahime know," Gojou explained. "And I don't want to assume the mole is a student."

"Well then," you smiled, lifting up his mood, as you sat beside him. "At least we have Mei to count on right?"

"Right," Gojou rested his head atop yours. "Had to give her 10 million yen though."

"It's never been a problem for you," you commented. "Why complain now?"

Gojou grinned. "I was saving it to pay off the elders for us to go on a vacation."

"A vacation?" You asked. "I mean.. You do realize I should be at work right now?"

"Doing paperwork? That's so boring though!" He nuzzled his nose against the top of your head. "Wouldn't you rather stay with me?"

"Well I have very important things to do"-

"Even you have to admit you'd much rather be doing me." You both stared ahead, not making a sound. But you knew Gojou's grin was the cockiest one ever grinned.

"Shut up," you broke the silence, getting bored of it. "When would we even find the time for a vacation though? I doubt we would."

"My birthday, maybe. Or Christmas. It's the perfect time, the month with the least curses, usually."

"Where would we go?"

Gojou bit his tongue lightly, eyes looking up to the ceiling. You wouldn't be able to see his thoughtful face, but what was Gojou Satoru without his eccentrics. "I don't know. Maybe one of the private islands?"

"In a private plane, with private servants, private beaches- keep in mind it's plural- and private literally everything else?"

Gojou chuckled at your sarcasm. "I know, we're the definition of pretty privilege! But what are you complaining about our riches for?"

"Not complaining, more acknowledging the fact that we're snobs."

Gojou stood up. "We have the money, we deserve acting all high and mighty sometimes."

"But will we really be able to relax?" You asked. He looked back at you, questioningly. "On Christmas, I mean. You know why."

He sighed. "Nah, he wouldn't want us to worry too much about him. I'm sure he's nice and happy wherever he is."

"I'm sure," you answered. "But I'm more worried about you."

He bent down to kiss your forehead. "And you should know there's no need to be."

"There's no point in acting"-

He brought his finger to your jaw, tilting it up, as he used his other hand to pull down his blindfold. "If I need you to worry about me, I'll ask. Okay?"

You sent him a knowing look but sighed and agreed. "Okay."

"So, like, um, the Gojou Satoru's gonna be there?" You asked, quickly moving behind Yaga as he walked down the halls.

"He's not going to be what you expect, you know that right?" He asked, sighing, as you both turned the corner.

"Of course, I met him when I was younger. I just wondered if he matured even in the slightest. I think it's been over a decade since I had a proper conversation with him."

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